

Target has become real competition. With their credit card, I also get 5% off and free shipping if I want to order online. But if I don’t, it’s easy peasy to get to a store. I often will have both sites up when I’m shopping, and it’s not unusual for Target to get my business.

That’s mostly market-driven though. A lot of customers will pay more to have an FBA (fulfilled by Amazon) item rather than from a 3rd party shipper, which is not Prime eligible. And a lot of those FBA items are actually sold by 3rd parties who set the price. I’m finding fewer things that are both shipped and sold by

Yes; the first quote of Subduction is on point. Meditation is called a “practice” for a reason.

Yes. I keep about $1,000 in mine because it is immediately available for when I screw up the timing on other transfers to checking, and because I can access cash from the ATM - very rare need, but once I needed cash for a tow truck. So, I like the accessibility if my checking is low. Otherwise, yes, sucks.

Did I just write this? :)

We don’t get no respect.

Me, too. Good customer service, and they don’t jerk you around on the taxes/fees like other providers do. I’m a light user, and now that I’m retired, my recent bills have only been 16.37 (15.00 plus 1.37 tax.) Before that, I’d use more data and it was still only around $25 / month. 

Nooooo, don’t make me choose!

Re the fancy blenders: I think you are right. When I do a lot of vegan cooking, I need a good blender, because so many sauces are nut-based and a food processor isn’t going to cut it. (p.s. food processors seem over-rated to me. I hardly ever use mine, so I guess I do have one thing I’d be

Or down. Bone-on-bone arthritis of the knees makes going down stairs much more painful than up.

Excellent analysis, Alicia. I know someone who thinks that way: I think the world should behave X way. The reality is that it behaves Y way. Therefore, rather than assess my options within a Y reality, I will sit on my righteousness until the world goes back to X way. She is always poor, and it’s heartbreaking.

Exactly what I did. Not so much a worry for contamination, because I mostly use it in baking applications (measuring rolled out dough, etc.) but just for the ease of general cleanliness. So clean in fact, that if I want to use it to cut straight dough strips, I have no worries. Also, it doesn’t flop around when I need

Yeah. That was a pretty narrow comment. I’m a CPA, and it all applies to that profession as well. One of most frequent responses is “It depends.”

1) OMG that looks delicious.

I think a lot of the time, lay people (not professionals trying to set some standard definitions) say “processed” when what they really mean is “refined.” But they haven’t given it enough thought as to what they really mean, so they have no idea anyway. They’re just repeating what they heard someone else say.

And some people never get there. I was friends with a couple when we were all in our 40s, and they were asking friends to help them move. They were at least 20 years too old for that (as were all of us friends - too many other responsibilities and bad backs.)

Thank you, Alicia!

My concern, too. But the article notes that they are recyclable - so intended for one-time use only? Those would be crazy expensive.

Of course, as someone else pointed out, some of us grew up using paper straws, which seems more practical than metal.

Yeah. Flu for 6 years out of 8 is a very high rate flu shot or not. Most likely, it was a bad cold.

Sometimes I throw some kombu into my beans, but it never occurred to me for veg stock. Brilliant!