Livingstone Seagull

Trump does not know what apology means because he does not even know what truth means.

You are not going to keep them here if the US is turning into anti-immigration environment.

We have to move into new innovated industries. With higher value added products, that is the only way to keep this country great. There is no way to make America great by moving backwards.

You need to check your facts. Trump’s suits are made in Mexico. Even undocumented workers pay tax to IRS. Trump just admitted he did not pay tax because he was smart.

At any lying contest, Trump will be a clear winner.

His word is his bond.

She just proved Hillary's point about Trump's supporters.

His surrogate Carson said that whatever Trump claimed during Primary is irrelavant now. God forbids. In case Trump is elected to be POTUS, whatever he is saying now will be irrelavant. They are just a bunch of crooks.

Too bad, they don’t have the power to investigate Trump’s illegal acts. Otherwise, they would be paid handsomly.