
I told my (now) wife something early when we started shacking up: You can tell me what to do, or how to do it. But not both.

Even if the Olympic pool is 10 miles deep, using the breaststroke will not result in a faster time. I think maybe you mean it depends on how rough the water is, which does not seem to be an issue in (most) Olympic events.

This is some good kinja. Started out as simple trolling, has somehow evolved into a decent argument.

No. Swimming through hula hoops that are a few feet under or above water would be more like hurdles. Telling 200m sprinters that they have to run with both hands above their head at all times and calling it a different event would be a better analogy.

I’d also love for someone to explain why we care about which set of players is able to put a ball into a suspended the hoop the most amount of times before time expires.

A lot of weird stuff happened during this game... BALLPARK POLTERGEIST!

🔥Most underrated athlete this decade🔥

I got Snapchat a few months ago after finally caving in to the “YOU DON’T HAVE SNAPCHAT?!” crowd. And god do I still not “get” it. Why do I want to spam my friends with random pictures and videos they can’t even easily comment on? I’d rather use Instagram.

Snapchat is what made me realize that I’m old. I know what it is, I mostly get what it’s for, but I don’t “get” it. It literally makes no sense to me. I now know what my mom meant when she said she doesn’t use “the computer.”

Friend, as someone who got drug in to trying it by a woman I was briefly interested in, let me assure you you’re not missing a damn thing. And I have no idea what the fuck I need some horse shit special app for so you can send me pictures of your goddamn food anyway.

MySpace isn’t going anywhere...every single person under 25 uses it everyday.

So...snapchat will come and go before I even bother to try it...
This is what “old” feels like.

I’m not saying you are wrong, but I cannot understand why anbody would buy season tickets for about 25 teams in the NBA. Of course, I also can’t understand why anyone would turn on the t.v. to watch a college basketball game in January, if they didn’t attend the school, or bet on the game. Basketball is just

The “can’t beat ‘em join ‘em” thing isn’t being hammered enough. I’ve always, always rooted for Durant and I just can’t any more, because when James Harrison talks about participation trophies and shit, this should be Exhibit A. Isn’t this supposed to be about competition at some point? Is the message we want to send

Off-topic but I can’t seem to star any comments here. It just yanks the page back to the top.

inb4 “Bastions actually balanced, you just have to counter"

I didn’t love everyone on Grantland, but Lowe, Keri, and Abrams were among the best in the world at what they do. Shea Serrano is genuinely hilarious. I just skipped the Chuck Klosterman garbage and the painfully zany pop culture takes.

I liked about 2/3 of the stuff on Grantland. It’s more like 1/3 on the Ringer. I’m giving them more time to work everything out, but for now I’m in the “it might kinda suck” camp.

It’s ok. Some of the writers are really obnoxious (like on Grantland), some are fun. My fav is still Jason Concepcion’s “Ask the Maester” column (for Game of Thrones), although these past 2 weeks, readers have been submitting really dumb questions.

I don't know about that. I think on average, subjective taste is the case, but when it comes to certain kinds of art, there's more going on with technical virtuosity that attempts to take a good deal of subjectivity out of the equation. Take film: What films people like are about as subjective as what wines they like.