I'd rather a lando calrissian movie. Is he just not going to be a part of the new trilogy? That's weird.
I'd rather a lando calrissian movie. Is he just not going to be a part of the new trilogy? That's weird.
Yeah unfortunately Martin has killed off most of his interesting characters outside of the Lannister family.
Agreed regarding jon and dany. Add Bran to the list of irredeemably boring characters. I really am afraid that martin's endgame is going to be awful.
Some noticeably bad acting by the sand snakes. Not a good sign considering how boring their source material is. God i hate dorne.
He also co-wrote "it's raining men.
Good for him. Letterman really was great though, back in the day.
Will Bill Pullman still be president in the next movie? Does he become some sort of Putin style perpetual president in this universe? Also, he had kids in the first one? The wife i remember i guess but who cares about his kids?
He's finally getting old enough to play the actual wolverine.
I remember the fantastic brood storyline in which she became binary.
Best drama on television right now. I really wish this show got better ratings. I don't even know why, because i usually don't care how well the shows i watch do as long as they stay on th air long enough to tell good stories, but i wish this show had more buzz.
Fair enough. And obviously they were right. That first iron man movie made all of marvel's success possible.
Zathura was a huge flop though. Usually that counts against a director.
Nolan is very good for the first 2/3 of most of his movies. He never seems to know how to end them satisfactorily so he just piles a bunch of stuff on top of each other at once. The marvel movies have been more uneven". I'm one of the few people here who hates pretty much everything whedon does, and the thor movies…
Sounds like it, yes. I always hate it when supposedly serious news people do this kind of thing.
Maybe they shouldn't have made superman into a callous asshole in the first movie at all. That would have prevented both complaints.
Yeah but he's british. Americans are used to being insulted by the british, and will tolerate it.
I really hate the panel format in general. I would love to see a show cohosted by wilmore and quinn though. They could each get a segment solo and then come together for the final segment.
Wilmore needs to get rid of that roundtable. It's unwatchable.
Never read it, but looking at the synopsis on wikipedia. Of course our own society is propelled by the unending misery of millions of children around the world. Reform is great. Burning everything to the ground isn't.
That's just insane to me.