I happened to see this extremely bad take. It was incredibly frustrating and disturbing. I want to quote a different commenter, who has some academic experience in these matters. This is from Arnheim:
I happened to see this extremely bad take. It was incredibly frustrating and disturbing. I want to quote a different commenter, who has some academic experience in these matters. This is from Arnheim:
citation needed
Search and Rescue helicopter pilot guy here. In case any of you are wondering if this will happen to you after falling off a cliff face or something and needing an airlift, it won’t if they do their jobs right. In the organization I fly with you have to use a line attached to the litter that’s held by a member of the…
Illinois hasn’t been able to pay its bills on time since 2014, and spends over 100 million/year on late fees, but yeah, sure, nothing is in shambles.
Anne, please. It’s Za44y.
While I’m rhyming scheme is a little inconsistent, I really appreciate the emotive sparcity of the work. The sublime use of repitition really makes m feel like I can smell the fart through her words. I’ll be writing a thesis on this for my classical literature course, and suggest this be added to the annals of great…
God has turned their backs on us.
Cool, cool. That’s cool. Everything is fine here.
If dysentery was good enough for Oregon Trail, it’s good enough for us all!
I would be far more hurt if any of my children turn out to be Republicans.
Black people need to embrace their LGBTQ+ children. I don’t have any kids but when I do want to love and support my children in every way, it won’t matter who my children love because many gay men and lesbian women have been just people to me love is love. I would be far more hurt if any of my children turn out to…
I wish I could believe in god, just so I knew someone would ultimately slap her in the face.
That’s cool I cut my hand on my plastic starbucks lid and bled all over my khakis.
“Trump flew out to Iraq on Christmas evening, and landed this morning. He visited the Al Asad Air Base outside of Baghdad, where he spoke to a group of about 100 assembled U.S. troops, the majority of whom were members of the special forces.”
I guess this means Marty is stuck in 1955 forever. Just like Mike Pence and the rest of Indiana.
thanks to a group of Native lawyers,
It is good to know what you're getting into. Still, in my opinion, if you're choosing where to get a tattoo based on how much it hurts, I'd say you're doing it wrong.