
If you click on your O365 avatar in the top right and click Settings and then select the Devices tab and you should see a test call option. Once you end the call it will tell you if there are any issues with your setup. 

Don’t worry that guy also used to be a soldier. 

You would think that for a guy stuck in the early 1800s that he would be so much more used to horse and carriage

If I’m not mistaken that is a fairly common practice among incoming presidents. I think its more symbolic than anything but crazy none the less.

If she can afford “fenty everything” how is she having child care woes? Im a single dad dropping 30k a year on child. Sounds like maybe she over-spends on the finer things and then factors out raising a kid second.

Yeah, but at least we will never have to wonder if she would pander to that human-sized staypuft monster in the white house.

Hey! dont assume we need internet! I have unlimited phone data!

Anything to skew the scale of his adorable little hands. His hands dont even wrap around the shovel.

Im not a big fan of seeing people suffer but damn I enjoyed seeing that douche sitting there broken like that. I like to think that he is sitting there questioning if all that dumb shit he did was worth his career. Anyway, happy Friday and also, fuck that guy.

10/10 Review

Damn, I would love a small one-time loan like that. 

I really do hate that the OK hand is associated with that shit now. I used to be so non-verbally passive aggressive until those jerks ruined it for me.

Almost 700 million dollars has been raised in around 24 hours... Could you imagine if people knew about the starving and homeless people out there in the world that could have been helped by that money? Could you imagine if we went out of our way to restore the safety of food and shelter to those in need instead of

Too bad they couldn’t just use live photos as evidence. 

Am I the only one who considered if they were up to the task of dating Charlize Theron? 

If she would have responded with no you cant use the content or just up the price so high they would never agree to the cost would that have solved this problem?

He drinks Malört... This guy checks out as a chicago resident. 

I’m curious what its blood test would show with all the growth hormones and antibiotics and lawd knows what else. I wouldn’t want to eat that specific cow either way.

I’m just glad to see them embracing their pagan roots with the flame cups.

Um excuse me kind stranger but you wrote Hypocritic but I think you meant Hypocrisy