
Gotta love they provided the videos of the nominees and then in the announcement videos didn’t play the in-game character model doing the actual dance. Isn’t part of the point to see what it looks like as a cartoon character? For instance, I doubt doing the winning dance includes the cross-room shuffle in the

Hope it was worth getting in trouble for something that did not involve her. If you see someone being arrested, dont intervene, just walk along and dont make a fuss about it, you dont know the details of why the police is arresting a person.

For a bit of context, this is actually something of a return to the original Oscars, which offered two Best Picture awards, one for Outstanding Picture, and another for Best Unique and Artistic Picture.

I’m always a little mystified by just how bothered people can get over a dog dying in a movie, and yeah dogs in particular. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a dog person and I’ve always had dogs/adopt from shelters, etc. But when I (unfortunately) watched Pearl Harbor and had to endure people screaming because OMG THE DOG IS

I feel the opposite way. As a parent I went along with the Santa myth. It’s a good first step for a child to develop their own critical thinking skills. I mean, it makes no sense if you think about it at all. In the movie Elf, Santa’s sleigh can’t fly because people don’t believe in him. Why would adults not believe

Sure, but the reason the tool exists doesn’t seem to be addressing that issue. It seems to more about addressing the problem of adults that don’t fully understand that it’s only a movie.

This pisses me off in a kind of unexpected way. The entire point of art is to evoke an emotional reaction. To take you on a journey. To immerse you. Who gives a fuck if the dog dies? It’s FICTION. It’s not a real dog and they don’t actually kill a dog to depict a dog dying. There’s a reason that being told about a

I got a notice from Amazon that my pre-order of the 3rd volume was cancelled by the publisher (J-Novel) as well. I was enjoying the series too. Not sure what was supposed to make the reader uncomfortable, maybe whatever it was got lost in translation. Hopefully it will be temporary, because I really do want to

Thanks, my night is alright, although it’s a little slow. This was a good response, because it illustrates how you can use a long paragraph to make it seem like you’re making a legitimate point, while really, the point you’re hamfistedly attempting to make is that the statistical majority of human beings actually DO

The context is that Kotaku reports on cosplay, understands that the cosplay community has a female skew, understands its website has a male skew, and then uses that information with the intent to use women as an object for revenue generation. That is the sole business intent of any article published here, and if the

Women in videogames are characters in a videogame, and thus come with no expectation of agency whatsoever, unless you’re implying that the singularity has arrived.

If your argument is equity, I can all but guarantee that the ratio of female to male cosplayers featured on Kotaku is greater than one.

And that is because

Tell me again how it is that Kotaku’s staff reconciles its constant bitching about the objectification of women in videogames while promoting this shit?

Well, congrats to him then. :)

Teen suicide claims more lives than Columbine every single day.

Equal rights under the law was achieved 40+ years ago. Modern feminism has literally zero do to with equal rights in any Western country.

I’d say you are part of the cancer. If you don’t think people should be treated equally be they men or woman. Then there is no need for someone like you to be alive.

Women fired or reprimended for the choice of t-shirt or words is equivalent to the witch hunt we have nowadays against men. Who was the video game journalist that had a witch hunt against him which forced him out of his job because he merely said in a tweet “No girlfriend at home, finally some peace” or something like

I-Why would I play a game which literally doesn’t change and none of my actions matter? Might as well read a book. (Not knocking on that, I read tons of books, the point is, this doesn’t look like a game)

Lets see how long this lasts. They’re deleting comments that say as much.

i dont play the game.