
In the non-celebrity animation voice biz, video games are by FAR where it's at.  Even for tentpole anime titles, for example, the actors slog it out and budgets are a race to the bottom.  They have to pay their own expenses, etc.  But video games are a total boon.  Video games will fly the talent from the US to Hong

In the non-celebrity animation voice biz, video games are by FAR where it's at.  Even for tentpole anime titles, for example, the actors slog it out and budgets are a race to the bottom.  They have to pay their own expenses, etc.  But video games are a total boon.  Video games will fly the talent from the US to Hong

It's certainly unlikely; but that's a matter of human will, not a superiority of one medium over the other.

It's certainly unlikely; but that's a matter of human will, not a superiority of one medium over the other.

90 minutes of people who really like the Replacements going on and on about their greatness?  Thanks, but I can get that at a bar by telling someone I never liked the band.

90 minutes of people who really like the Replacements going on and on about their greatness?  Thanks, but I can get that at a bar by telling someone I never liked the band.

Ultimately that's the thing that irritated me about their last record.  They included a freaking piece of the analog tape in the cd cases and slapped big stickers on the cover.  Then you listen to the thing and it sounds like every other major label loudness war casualty.  I'll be honest, I don't particularly care

Ultimately that's the thing that irritated me about their last record.  They included a freaking piece of the analog tape in the cd cases and slapped big stickers on the cover.  Then you listen to the thing and it sounds like every other major label loudness war casualty.  I'll be honest, I don't particularly care

Well, that's a function of the ability of digital, not a forced requirement. They could just as easily have a technician delete any sub-par takes and force themselves to get it right, and you'd be creating the analog demand you describe.  I get what you're saying, like that awful scene in 'Some Kind of Monster' where

Well, that's a function of the ability of digital, not a forced requirement. They could just as easily have a technician delete any sub-par takes and force themselves to get it right, and you'd be creating the analog demand you describe.  I get what you're saying, like that awful scene in 'Some Kind of Monster' where

I'm all for musicians having whatever gear and accoutrements make the recording process an ally for them, but it's ridiculous to insist that an analog recording process makes a dramatic difference to music that is subsequently mixed, mastered, and compressed digitally, and then released predominantly in digital

I'm all for musicians having whatever gear and accoutrements make the recording process an ally for them, but it's ridiculous to insist that an analog recording process makes a dramatic difference to music that is subsequently mixed, mastered, and compressed digitally, and then released predominantly in digital

does she like, cuss a lot and stuff?  I'm always looking for good stuff for road trips that isn't going to worry the wife about what the kids are going to repeat.  This is a genuine concern.

does she like, cuss a lot and stuff?  I'm always looking for good stuff for road trips that isn't going to worry the wife about what the kids are going to repeat.  This is a genuine concern.

I don't know what caption could possibly be funnier than the stupid stuff dude says about the food on DDD in the first place.

I don't know what caption could possibly be funnier than the stupid stuff dude says about the food on DDD in the first place.

Saw this band a couple of times, opening for RATM supporting their first record, and with…Offspring, maybe?

Saw this band a couple of times, opening for RATM supporting their first record, and with…Offspring, maybe?

"has become?"  We are still talking about the show with a first season episode wherein a guy dies while having sex and his body is carried around at night, seen by someone who shouldn't have seen it, secrets kept, etc, right?

"has become?"  We are still talking about the show with a first season episode wherein a guy dies while having sex and his body is carried around at night, seen by someone who shouldn't have seen it, secrets kept, etc, right?