


I really liked this record when it came out last year, but I haven't listened to it much since.

I really liked this record when it came out last year, but I haven't listened to it much since.

The world is quiet here.

The world is quiet here.

Well, young lady, have you been good to your mother?

Well, young lady, have you been good to your mother?

It's about time somebody finally accented the sickly green fluorescent lighting and crushed blacks of the ocean.

It's about time somebody finally accented the sickly green fluorescent lighting and crushed blacks of the ocean.

Dude's got skills.

Dude's got skills.

Penn Avenue Freeze Out
Malia's Room

Penn Avenue Freeze Out
Malia's Room

"…but if I'm right, and we can make this thing, Paramount Executive, you will have saved the mehs of millions of internet voters."

"…but if I'm right, and we can make this thing, Paramount Executive, you will have saved the mehs of millions of internet voters."

If you're talking about the book at the end of the New Testament, it's 'Revelation,' singular.

If you're talking about the book at the end of the New Testament, it's 'Revelation,' singular.

You're talking about the AVC folks, right?

You're talking about the AVC folks, right?