
And there’s some conversation that Castro was behind the assassination of Kennedy. Anyone who can read can recognize that OP was not “disseminating news”, as claimed, and merely engaged in a rumor mill, not dissimilar to other conspiracy theories, a la #pizzagate. Anyone who can read would have probably made that

Yep, just like it’s possible that the moon landing was faked. I don’t have any evidence to back that up, so take it with a grain of salt. But movie studios existed in the 60s. It’s just too coincidental to ignore.

You had a hard time motivating college students to do something constructive and meaningful? Huh....

Yeah! What kind of idiots wouldn’t take this metaphor literally! Stupid rubes.

Very level headed response here. Solid argument that is certain to inspire much lively and well educated debate. Your liberal arts university degree is being put to good use.

I know. If only everyone made earned the same amount no matter what job they had things would be so much better.

Why can’t we all just make the same amount no matter what job we have? It’s only fair.

I see. Disseminating news and spreading rumors are the same. Got it. I suggest you look into #pizzagate

Oh, the internet hurt your feelings. I’m sorry.

Do you have any evidence, other than “looks bad”? That’s not exactly up to any standard of proof.

What felonies is he committing?

Nope, and here’s why. Democracy represents the values of citizens in all parts of the country, not just the large cities/coastal areas.

We all owe here a debt of gratitude.

I can’t wait for this!

I don’t hear any hollering about the greedy attorneys. Seems weird. Shouldn’t they do this for free because Socialism. It’s for the good of the people.

Credit where credit is due...+1 for creativity

Using this logic would mean there is only Socialism and Anarchy. That simply isn’t true.

I think anything resembling Nazi Germany is bad. Call me crazy.

Waaahhhh Why can’t fair mean equal!?! Waaahhh but Bernie! Waaahhhh Socialism is so much better (except for Cuba, Venezuela, The National Socialist German Workers Party).

When you say “giving away millions” I assume you really mean to say “not robbing them as much via corporate taxes.” Just thought I’d correct you there. Take a look at Venezuela and tell me again how great Socialism is.