

YES, Tammy Faye Bakker!

I loved the dynamic between Marc Maron and Alison Brie when she did WTF and so happy to see them together in something! I didn't know I needed this show in my life.

As much as I think I can't wait for season two, season one was so brutal that I think I could use the breather.

Individual Achievement in Comedy has got some heavy competition. All great shows.

Woohoo, season one was fantastic! Wasn't expecting the second season so soon.

My Dad Wrote a Porno is on chapter three and I think it has almost as much magic as the first two chapters. Thought I'd be sick of the premise by now, but I'm still totally into it. Love the secret passageway descriptions.

Such a great album!

I love it, especially the parents. It gets so campy.

I loved that Peter named the dog Coco and simply said "why not?" when his son questioned him.

My first though was how absurd it is to plan things so far in advance. My second thought was that I can't believe 2019 is barely more than a year and a half away.

As much as I loved the Lemonade homage, the best part of this episode for me was when Carol Kane yelled out "LIAR" the same way her character yelled it at Miracle Max in The Princess Bride.

There are definitely more great episodes in this season, more than just the fantastic First Date. Having watched both seasons now, I think season one was fantastic, but I love what they did with most of season two in terms of playing with the tone, settings, and shining the spotlight on some of the supporting

Was that the joke? I honestly don't know.

All the dates on First Date had really distinct personalities, Francesca pales in comparison to such memorable characters.

Not only does she baby bird vegan food to her kid, but she ironically named the child "Bear".

I am so fucking excited for this movie.

There are so many things in the running for worst thing in this episode.

I love Riverdale, it's campy fun and so well cast.

The Handmaid's Tale, first thee episodes. Incredible and horrifying.