
Is anyone else relieved it’s just a nightmare of teeth and gums and not a crunch crisis or harassment allegations? I opened this article thinking “oh god, what happened? What did they do?” and saw a hallway of incisors and bicuspids and went “oh. Is that all?”

I wish someone would make a heavy duty waterproof case that allowed you to snap controllers to the side of it.  All the current controller to the side options require the phone to be caseless and that ain’t ever going to happen for me.  

I wish someone would make a heavy duty waterproof case that allowed you to snap controllers to the side of it.  All

OneDrive is also great for backing up photos.

This paper is a good starting point:

I have given birth to none. I have fostered seven in my home. I have financially supported two Africans throughout their childhood. I am auntie to none by blood, I am auntie to at least 10 otherwise. I have pics of Japanese, Ethiopian and Caucasian kids on my mantel right now. But I take great care NOT to elevate

‘Here’s $300mil to pay for going out and talking to the community and not beating/killing people, especially minorities!’

I’ve just started reading Layla F Saad’s ‘Me and White Supremacy’, profound doesn’t even begin to cover it 

No Tales of Ba Sing Se?

Once in third grade, my father off-handedly mentioned that under the Constitution, we didn’t actually have to stand up and do the Pledge of Allegiance. So me being the third grade dink that I was, the next day I stayed seated for the Pledge at my local private school, and was promptly sent to the pastor and the

I dunno man.... Frosthaven had 300K$ in the first five minutes that kickstarter went up.   By the next day it broke 5 million.   

I’m also wondering about this. I assuming I’ll have to call EDD in California. I got fired in late December and applied for unemployment, and was approved but I didn’t claim any of the money yet because I found enough part time work to get as many hours as I wanted. But it’s with schools and they all closed. So I

No, thank you. 

Waiting for that cat licking the plate to knock the next domino over is as tense as a Hitchcockian thriller.

You should set every Cadbury Egg on fire because they’re garbage.

I can honestly not think of too many games that can entertain so many reversals of fortune in a single game and not feel stupid and random. Sure, random stuff can bork your chances, but pretty much every time that happens, you knew you were tempting fate when you put yourself out there.

Is it really an Easter Egg if its not found in-game?  Unless I missed something, this is only seen if you go into the game files

Our 25 weeker was in the NICU for 81 days. We were there every single day. Towards the end of our stay we suddenly realized that we hadn’t even thought about finishing the nursery, crib, car seat, clothes, diapers, etc. etc. etc.

“Rock your arm back and forth”

I like to put mine in my back pocket and twerk. 

Any advice on how to deal with the longterm repercussions of a layoff in regards to self esteem / feelings of security? I was laid off in 2016 during a company buyout. I got another job about three months later that I knew wasn’t a good fit but it paid the bills. Now I’m in a better position at a better company. I’ve