The watcher

1. Was I the only one hoping Connor MacLeod would show up to take her head.
2. Second time Harrison Ford has done the whole father son sleep with the same girl.
3. Harrison has nothing better to do with his free time.

I'm pretty happy to see Pearl's dream. I was really counting down the minutes until Pearl started staring a Steven and saying "MY PRECIOUS!" The chick was really unstable. But at least subconsciously Pearl is finding new enjoyment in the world. Rose represents everything Pearl adores in the world. The fact that

Jeez, getting married on Game of Thrones is similar to wearing a red shirt on star trek!

I like this episode better than the last two. Maybe I'm just a little immature though. Anyway everything in the last three episodes have been dark. Makes you wonder whats coming down the pipes.

10 bucks says Finn's moms name is minnie

This show has been telegraphing it's punches like a bad prize fighter. Not to say that's a bad thing, just saying its foreshadowing is more like an eclipse. I knew last week that Finn's father would be making a return with Gunther(the dinosaurs) question to Evergreen are you my father. This week more than anything

Adventure Time is just great story telling. This episode finally gives direction to a new climax.

I think this is finally a shift back to the main story of Finn and Jake. Additionally, parentally speaking Finn and Jake are equal. In that Finn and Jake only know their biological fathers. That creature was clearly looking to produce off springs; notice in the lair it was a bunch of baby stuff. Anyone with a wife

Usually these reviews add some well hidden depth that I missed at a causal viewing of regular show. However, I believe you missed the mark by not mentioning that there seems to be something sinister brewing behind the scenes with Thomas. Let's face it the characters that work at the park all are either too eccentric,