Waltham Wahine


Hon? Where you typed the word "power" in your post? Yeah, just go on ahead and substitute that with "money". to hire seven of the worlds best of fill in the blank. "….she has the MONEY to write and sing exactly what she wants…." get it it? Good.I pity the people among us who still worship that all powerful MONAY.


Censorship much?

808 is Hawaii's area code. I had no idea he recorded an album in HNL. Then again I never purchased anything past College Dropout because you know, I'm from Northside, Chicago y'all ok? I lived in the 808s for 7 years and never heard of this autotuned pablum.

pretty pedestrian Polly…sigh. I wanted to like it too!

Looking back now through my Smith's collex "Louder than Bombs" had the stick to you forever songs. That's their peak in my old gen x asses opinion. "Wrap her up in the news of the world….dump her on a doorstep, girl."

No mil·len·nial cliches are allowed when addressing Morrissey or the Smiths on this thread, thank you.


Ya, kinda gotta put your 80s sound and tech goggles on there dude.

and Morrissey's puppy yelps. hahah. Yeah, those "diddles" are phenom, yes.
Unruly boys….who will not settle down, they must be taken in hand….
I will show my age and tell ya, when this album came out the journey listening shitty hair band like Ratt listening bros were all what fuck is the pansy ass panty waist shitt.

…and everything she wants cost money…. that could be a hiphop bit..add some shitty autotuned vocal….

This Charming Man…..


P.S. I dig your username —I married a 'pegger (snicker) so it made me giggle.

Wow. Slow news day. Lets point and laugh at cetaceans music preference in captivity with new age idiots.

Thank you.

I want to believe Tom Hardy will never be anything but completely balls to the wall amazing.

Wait, I'm curious as to how old you are. I adore Richard Linklater movies but Ethan Hawke is to be endured as an actor. He makes me cringe! In my opinion he's in that flight of actors like Tobey McGuire who are like placeholders for the part. So flat delivery is high school play em·bar·rass·ing. I like to think I'm