Watcha Want Sucka

This reviewer missed the entire point of the movie.

No body, no murder. They should have took Scotty's body and buried it in the woods.

The point is, if you are in the black community who cares what whites do. You are trying to better your community. Let's use me as an example, if someone says to me listen you have a drinking and drug problem, what use is it to say and it would be an excuse, "Well their are lots of people with drinking and drug

Well it should be obvious to anyone that the cop in this episode is guilty as heck. He is a murderer. But in the real world it's not so black and white. This cop took what he thought and acted on it. Just because someone disrespects you or cuts you off while your driving dosen't mean you murder them. They made it to

Well, could you tackle my first post, and tell me which points I made that you find are incorrect? Or, would lead you to believe that i am racist?

Well that is something that should have happened already. 30 years will eventually come around. But it's a long time for something that is actually overdue. Although i will say, i prefer a woman in the kitchen. Not because im sexist or think that's the only place for a woman. It's just that every woman I have ever met

Should happen tomorrow. I dont think i'll be here in 30 years. But that's not gonna happen. If you look at the history of the world. Atrocities against humanity have really for the most part come from whites. Unless your saying that being the majority is the real reason why a group of people would do evil things. I

I appreciate your comment Cheyenne. I would suggest if i am the racist, that black communities continue to do as they are doing, and see where it leads. I will tell you that more black kids will be killed by cops. OH look a black kid killed by a white Wisconsin police officer after a struggle. Do people not find it

The cop was wrong in killing the kid. But what he said is true. Blacks are 14% of the population yet commit 52% of the violent crime. Now i know the atrocities committed by the white race against humanity. I also understand the white privilege that is present in today's society. But that has nothing to do with black