My friend's daughter's sister's uncle's mailman's neighbor made $.01/hr building stairs in Brazil.....
My friend's daughter's sister's uncle's mailman's neighbor made $.01/hr building stairs in Brazil.....
I wanted to chime in with nearly the exact same response, but likely less eloquent.
None of it kept me from thinking " there is the possibility that they were both blacked out, banged nice and hard (aint that fun?)
That's all I'm trying to fuckin say. I suppose I should have known better than trying to get a reasonable discussion out of Deadspin commenters, but jesus christ the reactions have been over the top.
The interviewer asks Griffin if he really thinks the Earth is only 6,000 years old,
There are a number of bad ideas here (sending unsolicited email attachments? Ew.) but the most egregious is doing work on spec. The Graphic Artists Guild, among other professional organizations, strongly advise against doing this when it's requested by clients or potential clients... to do it as a completely cold…
Guys, its all a numbers game. If 100% of a crowd is African American, then at best your only going to be at 3/5 capacity for the event.
Will you please stop spreading your ignorant half wit comments?
You go shoot a 12 gauge over 530 times in your late 60s and let me know how you feel the next day.
fucking troll.
Hunters don't shoot animals for the sole purpose of sport. Every single hunter I know (I'm from Texas; I know A LOT) uses the entire animal or finds someone who does. Sure they may mount a stuffed animal on the wall or something but you bet your ass the second they secure a kill they start cleaning the hell out of…
While I cant attest to buffalo I can say that bow hunting upland bird is a bitch.
They now move on to play the winner of Villanova/Villanova.
Not shown: Thomas Jefferson knocking up dozens of cheerleaders
Shaken Mutton Buster syndrome
Actually, Newt Gingrich and a number of other Republicans have vocally come out against what NJ and other states are doing to Tesla:
Rust Cohle thinks his beer circle is flat.
I love some obscure craft beer, but if I only could drink one beer for the rest of my life, it would be GB Nordeast.
also, wtf does this mean:
"...not one with a happy ending. According to Belgian, the cyclist broke both her thigh and kneecap...."