
Wow. I may ruffle some feathers, but what an improvement! Looks great.

My friend's daughter's sister's uncle's mailman's neighbor made $.01/hr building stairs in Brazil.....

This lawsuit has EVERYTHING.

Counterpoint: went to Amazon, searched for "africa," spent five minutes assembling covers. People see what they want to see.

I wanted to chime in with nearly the exact same response, but likely less eloquent.

None of it kept me from thinking " there is the possibility that they were both blacked out, banged nice and hard (aint that fun?)

That's all I'm trying to fuckin say. I suppose I should have known better than trying to get a reasonable discussion out of Deadspin commenters, but jesus christ the reactions have been over the top.

The interviewer asks Griffin if he really thinks the Earth is only 6,000 years old,

There are a number of bad ideas here (sending unsolicited email attachments? Ew.) but the most egregious is doing work on spec. The Graphic Artists Guild, among other professional organizations, strongly advise against doing this when it's requested by clients or potential clients... to do it as a completely cold

Needs a chin turret because.

If you're using Chrome, lift your eyes to the top right corner...

More power to ya. I was satirizing the sentiment of the article!

It's between New York City and Los Angeles. As far as anyone who decides these things is concerned (or at least anyone who publishes or broadcasts), it's all "mid".

I am from Omaha and have never thought of Nebraska as Midwestern. The Plains states are different than the Rust Belt. We have never relied on manufacturing and the whole dying blue collar culture of a Youngstown or Detroit is foreign to us.

Having moved to Ohio in 2005, I still wonder how a state in the Eastern time zone is the "mid-west".

Part of it is that the regions have fuzzy borders because they are not political boundaries, which MUST be well-defined. Border states are going to be some mix, so if you pick states (or cities) from two different borders of a region, there's no reason to expect that they would be very similar. Of course, I don't

I grew up in Lubbock, TX so I can understand where you are coming from.

Guys, its all a numbers game. If 100% of a crowd is African American, then at best your only going to be at 3/5 capacity for the event.