Wasteland nomad

You seem upset. Is hatred and contempt the only thing you libs cling to? "It's impossible for people of different political stances to be friends." Has it never occurred to you that they might support trump as well?

not really. i don't want to mess with russia

how is blaming russia going to make us safer?

Funny thing is i wasn't on anyone side and you're the ones saying the election is rigged and talking about how you want to either move to canada or assiante trump. So you should sit the fuck down and not claim one side is saying the election is rigged when you were the same people that made that claim when bush won.

I stayed up all night last night to celebrate his victory. The left who kept saying we should accept the results are ironically not accepting the results of trump winning.lol

Keep crying

or just air both

This article tells me that you're a horrible human being if you're honestly wishing death on half the population for not agreeing with you. I find it hard to believe this crap was written by an adult to begin with

Dude, you can't reason with stupid like the people here who thinks an article title like this is the paragon of wisdom

Real mature

Wow how mature of you.