
That side-quest was not a failure. It inspired a new generation of force wielders to fight the First Order as seen in the final shot of the film.

I go the other way. The fact that JJ Abrams has issues with The Last Jedi only confirms my feeling that it’s a masterpiece.

The blurb up top makes it clear what happened. “The AV Club” is a collection of individuals. Some of them thought the film was pretty good, but enough of them really hated it that it made the list. And now the comment section is going to be dominated by 20-something white guys crying about it.

I kind of enjoyed Joker, but it’s the worst kind of movie. Which is to say, it’s a film that purports to be about serious things, but doesn’t have anything to say beyond how terrible the way it is, because it can’t commit to anything. The best you can say about it is that it’s an examination of how white male

“If I had the ability to do so, I’d give this upstanding young man a chance to be a college football coach again.”

Yea, when you cede the moral high ground to fucking ARAMARK, you might want to reassess your life.

Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.

Ciara was hardly the first person to get boned in England recently by some guy who hasn’t got a clue what he is doing.

He uses Bing.