I didn’t know there was an actual competition associated with Monster Jam. Shouldn’t surprise me but I thought it was really just a lot of hold me beer etc.
I didn’t know there was an actual competition associated with Monster Jam. Shouldn’t surprise me but I thought it was really just a lot of hold me beer etc.
Cost me a ton of money (compared to the value of the car) to replace the timing belt on my old 2000 Mazda 626 with about 120k miles on it at the time.
Having done a few Bermuda races, I can’t star this post enough. Plus, those orange helicopters were over NOLA after Katrina.
Agree. I would think there would be plenty of “good guys with a gun” that he would feel perfectly safe.
If the dealer, via e-mail, offers to sell you the car for X amount. Simply respond to the e-mail “I accept your offer.” At that point you have a contract.
Likewise - who buys the hardish-core porn at the airport newsstand? Are they saving it for when they land?
Once on a long Amtrak trip, I thought it might be a decent time to check out HBO’s show OZ. Seemed that every time the train pulled into a station coincided with a prison rape scene. So...I stopped watching that DVD.
Also a junior attorney (went to law school in Philly tho) that floats between offices in Boston and Providence. I like to do outdoorsy things and needed a car that reflected that I’m outdoorsy despite the fact that I’m more likely billing hours than being outdoorsy, so I got a V60 Cross-Country. A CPO or used one…
I await his attempt at the triple lindy.
In some situations, if defense counsel is running to the microphones, you need to provide some balance.
Someone else's car is the best car.
And I know, it may seem confusing but when the "officer" in the blue uniform tells people to take off their belts AND shoes, that does mean you too!
Try to avoid standing anywhere near somebody that looks like that haven't flown within the past 6 months. It boggles the mind how many people show up and are completely clueless about their role in the security theatre.
So if people use taxilater - that will trigger surge pricing at the later time?
If the surge price is high enough, don't you need to accept it - or is that part of how taxilater works, by using it, you're accepting the surge pricing.
I wonder how this will affect Uber's surge-pricing. If a bunch of people "taxilater" a car for the same time in the same neighborhood - will there be a surge price?
I’d like to know how much government assistance this guy gets. Seems that most of these anti-government gooks don’t want you messing with their medicare or SSI disability either.
These are the same fans that boo'd the shit out of Sarah Palin, so they're A-OK in my book.
So between 1986 and 1992, she only put 29k on it? Guess she didn't need to drive herself while Bill was Gov either.
At one hostel I stayed in, I got yelled at for changing the tv channel away from a "perfectly good awards show." My "that is an oxymoron" reply was met with blank expressions.
I wouldn't say Coach K apologized once he got caught. Some Duke PR flack apologized for him.