
Awesome that the DS Lite I paid $99 for had built in Wi-Fi. Great that my router cost $60. Great that the Xbox 360 I paid for didn't come with one of these and I had to pay $90 for it.

It depends on how it's done. Look at James Bond, there's what, 20 of them now? Casino Royale came out after nearly forty years of making them and was one of the best. All comes down to talent in making the adventure new. I could probably play around five max of these before moving on.

I may have had my doubts at first but after beating the game and putting over 16 hours into it, I can say (imo of course) that it's the best super hero game ever.

*In movie villain voice* You release Ico you sons of ******, you do it now!

This game lost me when they said it would be priced at $40 since it was "an expansion with 4-6 hours of campaign gameplay" and instead hiked it to $65 here in Canada. Forget it.

I sat there and drummed every song on expert from the minute I popped the disc in to the credits. My foot was in so much pain for days after I might have to see a Doctor now. It was that good though.

Hey, it's Lady GaGa!

I wasn't going to pay $60+ for Killzone 2 but if it's $30 over here, I'll pick it up.

The drumming looks easy on this game which is holding me back from making it a "must buy". I'm surprised that the review didn't discuss the difficulty of the tracks.

I would just like to see Sony re-release Ico on PS2. I've never been able to play it because they didn't print many copies. No way am I paying $50 on Amazon or e-bay for one. Please allow gamers to experience it again. After SotC you know it won't flop like it originally did.

The White Stripes? Queen? Some Talking Heads and RATM being released next week? Keep on delivering Harmonix, I'll keep buying.

"I'm sorry, uh, you're going to have to change Spider-Man punching that bad guy in the face."

Finishing Batman: Arkham Asylum for the PS3. It's good stuff, too much backtracking though.

After purchasing every Ratchet game but the two PSP ones and Deadlocked, I can say I'm done with this series. It feels played out to me and they are so similar I confuse levels with each other between games.

I have both a PS3 and Xbox 360, I bought the game for the former. The exclusive joker content, the Home space, it was nice added content. The armored batsuit was just the icing on the cake.

I had no intention of purchasing Batman: Arkham Asylum right now but ended up doing so since Best Buy has it for $38.83. Damn I could not pass that up. Although I liked the controls for the 360 better I ended up going with the PS3 version because of the exclusive content. Can't wait to play it!

Thought I'd post this here because BESTBUY.CA for three days only (August 25'th-27'th) is selling Arkham Asylum for $38.83! Take my tip please!

From user amuro8 at Consumerist who makes the most sense: I think their study was fairly biased. It wouldn't surprise me if the 5000 participants (less than 1% of the total 360s in the market!) were subscribers to the magazine, meaning they're already going to fall into the 'hardcore' category of gaming. I bet many of

I used to play this three-four times a day for a few weeks and wracked up a score of over 1.5 million. Never got into the mob ONCE. I quit after that and haven't played since.

This service is pretty bad. It's $34.99 for Rockstar Presents: Table Tennis. I bought that brand new, sealed from Wal-Mart for $18.93 over two years ago. Yeah, I'll pass on this.