Son of Mecha Mummy

My favorite bit from that show was probably just the Seymour and Pepe thing where they kept repeating the "What do you get if you cross an elephant with a rhino?"/"Elephino!" joke over and over again to a completely unresponsive crowd of Muppets. Muppets looking bewildered/gaping in confusion is a really, really

I think my favorite obscure Daily Show correspondent was Bob Wiltfong. Wish he had stuck around.

He appeared like three times before Book of Mormon, one time after Book of Mormon, and that was it.

"our professional opinion that precedent, Madonna’s Die Another Day, is one of the all-time greats."

Yeah, that was a weird whiplash effect for me because Silver Surfer is fucking great and the premise of that Brubaker comic is interesting. But no, prospective comic readers. Do not get Identity Crisis.

The rule still exists, they just increased the quota from one black guy to two black guys so now when a third black guy shows up one of the existing two gets killed within a couple episodes.

yeah, this song is the only part of that movie that I want to revisit. I thought it was hilarious in 1999, but I was eleven and watching it with a bunch of other fifth-graders on the last day of school. I can't imagine the conditions ever being that favorable for a rewatch.

With Harley Quinn of course being a role *she* suddenly took over from someone who had been doing it for the entire history of the character. Though Arleen Sorkin doesn't seem to act in anything anymore so maybe she just retired.

Yeah, I usually don't go for audiobooks, but I think I pretty much have to in this case.

Yeah, that's a better way of putting it. The four-person panel didn't help; there were a couple times where I really wanted to hear more from the dissenter and then instead it was someone totally irrelevant dominating conversation instead.

Reducing the panel has helped a lot, particularly because it seems to have been the spot usually occupied by someone taking the position nobody else agrees with and/or the loud comedian who has nothing to contribute but is good at shouting.

She's really bad. Like, I'm struggling to think of a worse correspondent/performer that The Daily Show's ever had. Her line deliveries make her sound like she's an adult on a PBS show. Like, right now I think the only Nightly Show writer whose appearances I get excited for is Mike Yard, but she's the only one where

The best thing about Zack was that like all of his Nerd-Offs were really, really close. They kept NEARLY being rid of him and then he'd pull another VICTORY FOR SYLVANAAAAAAS out of his ass. This season it felt like there were a lot more blowout wins.

That was maybe my favorite King of the Nerds judging panel because it was such a goddamn mess. You had Moby taking his one and only chance to play Simon Cowell, you had the guy from Gym Class Heroes who straight-up did not understand anything that was going on and could barely fake like he did, and Lisa Loeb because

"One of Community's problems in the past is that is has been way too
overly self-indulgent, and this seemed like a prime example of that"

It's an easy target but the horror movie analogy sells it. That's good hate.

I watched it for a community college class, and at the start I was sort of scoffing at the "GOLLY GEE WHIZ FELLAS LET'S GO TO WAR" acting, only to realize two hours later that it was there to make the soulless husk the main character turns into by the end more stunning. That monologue when he returns to his old class

"Throwing Rocket Raccoon into this seems like a smart way for Marvel to
push some of its less popular characters."

All Quiet on the Western Front?

I work at a theater had had it for like a month. People did come in to see it but almost never more than two or three per showing, unless it was either during the day (when more elderly people show up) or on the weekend. By the final week we had it literally no one was going, which meant I got to do things like