Son of Mecha Mummy

To be fair, he had Erin Martin last season too. Maybe he'll at least learn his lesson and not let her make it to the live shows.

To be fair, he had Erin Martin last season too. Maybe he'll at least learn his lesson and not let her make it to the live shows.

Taking Disney characters and probably using them without permission? Scandalouuuuuuuuus!

Taking Disney characters and probably using them without permission? Scandalouuuuuuuuus!

Didn't a female cast member get fired from SNL years ago for being overweight? I… guess this is a positive step, considering that SNL always, always, always has a wacky fat guy?

Didn't a female cast member get fired from SNL years ago for being overweight? I… guess this is a positive step, considering that SNL always, always, always has a wacky fat guy?

See, I think that's why I actually don't like him so much. He doesn't own that he has great putdowns and creative ways of shit-talking other people's stuff, he just sort of looks anxious and whiny about it.

See, I think that's why I actually don't like him so much. He doesn't own that he has great putdowns and creative ways of shit-talking other people's stuff, he just sort of looks anxious and whiny about it.

I'm about halfway through this week's CBB but I already love it.

I'm about halfway through this week's CBB but I already love it.

I know! That's the thing! I *love* Bryan Fuller, so I'm definitely watching. The cast just reenforces it. But it's still a Silence of the Lambs prequel TV show, which is just a weird thing for all of these people to be making.

I know! That's the thing! I *love* Bryan Fuller, so I'm definitely watching. The cast just reenforces it. But it's still a Silence of the Lambs prequel TV show, which is just a weird thing for all of these people to be making.

This cast is way too interesting to be making a Silence of the Lambs prequel TV show.

This cast is way too interesting to be making a Silence of the Lambs prequel TV show.



Yeah, his first one was by far my favorite. And Scottabot and PFT describing what they heard in deadpan, blow-by-blow fashion was bizarrely hilarious too.

Yeah, his first one was by far my favorite. And Scottabot and PFT describing what they heard in deadpan, blow-by-blow fashion was bizarrely hilarious too.

The fact that he actually started his statement off with "I am both bemused and upset" is awesome. Truly the most English man on the planet.

The fact that he actually started his statement off with "I am both bemused and upset" is awesome. Truly the most English man on the planet.