Son of Mecha Mummy

The show wasn't great, though. Most of the stuff that was really fun was stuff that you'd have to be a huge wrestling fan to find enjoyable (like them making fun of one of the most notably batshit storyline payoffs of all time in Mae Young giving birth to a hand).

The show wasn't great, though. Most of the stuff that was really fun was stuff that you'd have to be a huge wrestling fan to find enjoyable (like them making fun of one of the most notably batshit storyline payoffs of all time in Mae Young giving birth to a hand).

There's always something really cringeworthy about when The AV Club tries to write about wrestling. This is no exception.

There's always something really cringeworthy about when The AV Club tries to write about wrestling. This is no exception.

I watched two episodes of America's Got Talent this year. It takes the premise of The Gong Show and adds earnestness, which is a horrible idea.

I watched two episodes of America's Got Talent this year. It takes the premise of The Gong Show and adds earnestness, which is a horrible idea.

Oh, god, I forgot about how I ragequit Bleach during the endless "Aizen is the best ever and everyone else sucks" thing whilst reading the manga. I came back for the current arc which thusfar has been much less awful but that was still a good few months where I just totally stopped bothering.

I never bothered buying anything past their first album. I'm glad, because I can still listen to that one and enjoy it for what it is. I remember hearing that "Don't Listen to the Radio" song or whatever it's called and being like "yeah, no thanks."

I never bothered buying anything past their first album. I'm glad, because I can still listen to that one and enjoy it for what it is. I remember hearing that "Don't Listen to the Radio" song or whatever it's called and being like "yeah, no thanks."

Definitely New 52 for me too. I have not bought or read a single DC comic since its launch. Everything about it just seemed like total gimmicky bullshit to me and much of their decisions on character reboots annoyed the crap out of me.

Definitely New 52 for me too. I have not bought or read a single DC comic since its launch. Everything about it just seemed like total gimmicky bullshit to me and much of their decisions on character reboots annoyed the crap out of me.

@avclub-d18d28b5ecda71c8279defcae5723b71:disqus "Then Nami got raped in a bathroom."

@avclub-d18d28b5ecda71c8279defcae5723b71:disqus "Then Nami got raped in a bathroom."

God, I hated this issue. It was only unpredictable in the sense that it was so predictable and obvious that I had convinced myself that Kirkman wasn't really going to go the "he had *one* day left 'til retirement" route. Whoops!

God, I hated this issue. It was only unpredictable in the sense that it was so predictable and obvious that I had convinced myself that Kirkman wasn't really going to go the "he had *one* day left 'til retirement" route. Whoops!

"Leela’s mom begins dating Zapp Brannigan, and we suspect there’s just
the slightest chance that this is going to be the point when the series
officially runs out of stories and just starts phoning it in."

"Leela’s mom begins dating Zapp Brannigan, and we suspect there’s just
the slightest chance that this is going to be the point when the series
officially runs out of stories and just starts phoning it in."

God, Josie Lawrence is in an episode? Gonna have to watch now.

God, Josie Lawrence is in an episode? Gonna have to watch now.

Treme is probably the best TV show that I stop caring about once it's over. Like, while it's on I find it to be a very enjoyable TV show, and now it's a year later and I can remember a small handful of scenes I specifically like and no real "oh man, I can't wait to see what happens when the show comes back" feeling