Son of Mecha Mummy

I think I would have liked the Christmas special more if it were half as long as it was. The initial stretch with Kurt and Blaine pretending to be straight in unconvincing "wink wink nudge nudge" fashion was really fun, then "My Favorite Things" ran for twice as long as it needed to and my patience started wearing

To be fair, I fucking hated the robot legs ending (and all of last year's Christmas special) so I actually cracked up at the news they broke the next day.

I think that was supposed to be stilted '50s holiday special acting, which only Chris Colfer and Lea Michelle were really able to pull off at all.

I couldn't even force myself to be angry. "I Kissed a Girl" merited my anger, because it took the thing I cared about most on the show and stomped it into the ground. In this episode nothing mattered at all, so I gave it as little attention as it deserved.

Live at Stubbs remains an album that I mostly like. The studio album wasn't so interesting, though, and I stopped paying attention after that.

I am really, really enjoying Boardwalk this season. Season one, not so much.


I don't hate Of Montreal in and of itself, but their song on ArchAndroid really is terrible.

Half of ArchAndroid is amazing, and then the other half is that song with Of Montreal and orchestral filler tracks. "Oh, Maker" and "Say You'll Go" are absolutely breathtaking, though, and "Locked Inside" is one of my favorite songs to dance to.

Sometimes, depending on the song. I want to say they did some of the lyrics to "Getting Rid of Britta" when Gillian Jacobs was on?

It's still worse than this by virtue of being a shitty sitcom *without* Cheech Marin in it.

Yeah, I remember not recognizing Richie at all.

Yeah, that's what's keeping me from outright loathing it. There's a weird novelty to their performances.

Incorrect. Joe Besser.


They did use that song, they just didn't sing it.

Neither could Lauren Zizes, I guess.

I was so delighted by that review when it came out.

Actually, those three backup dancers have been on the show forever as the members of the backing band. They just… never talk and at most are sort of offhandedly acknowledged by the actual characters, so they're sort of extras but also sort of not.

I thought Ralph was a particularly effective ghost/dead guy in this one. I watched Test Dream, like, four and a half years ago and I *still* remember his creepy delivery on "We're takin' you to the job" or whatever his line was.