Son of Mecha Mummy

Yeah, the Tex Richman rap number did not work in the slightest, probably the single least effective thing in the movie. Giving it subtitles made it even worse. Only thing I liked about it was the very end when the showgirls go back into the closet and immediately break character.

I loved how he killed the his would-be assassin with a cleaver really coolly, like it was another day in the office. Great character, glad he's still with us.

I think this is sort of a weird week for that critique. He was, uncharacteristically, in a bunch of stuff.

Unless he somehow quits or is fired, I have to think Killam's going to be the guy SNL's built around within the next couple years. He's really great all around.

This is regrettably true. And speaking of, have those crazy kids Deb and Quinn worked their issues out?

As a Seattle Sounders fan I can't watch the Galaxy win the MLS Cup. I just can't.

Man, I should not have accidentally read the Dexter summary. I watched the second episode of season six on Friday and Mos Def was the only good part of the episode.

I'm not sure there really was a joke beyond "let's close on a goofy-sounding musical number." I guess there was Fred Armisen praising his songwriting, which turns out to just be him talking very fast? I kind of liked it, though.

My favorite thing about this episode is that it gave my favorite random Pawnee citizen a name. Mel, the incredibly angry guy!

That's all well and good, but it doesn't make it actually funny. (Except for when he was rightfully mocking the fact that The Tourist was up for tons of awards in spite of the fact that nobody actually went to see it.)

All the post-elimination interviews I've read from other contestants seem to be confirming that Sucklord is an eccentric but pretty cool guy, if that helps.

Yeah, my objection with Gervais as Golden Globes host wasn't that he was "edgy" and "slaughtered sacred cows" or whatever people are arguing, it's that he just wasn't that funny. Oh man, Robert Downey Jr. used to be an alcoholic? I had no idea!

Comedic Highlight of the Episode: Santana delivers rant to Finn. Sugar stands right behind Santana, awkwardly trying to mimic her posture and head movements.

The Talking Houses really are awful but there's something charming about how unfunny the whole thing is. The moment I hear the theme music I'm already preparing for the "oh that one was bad" groan.

Nah, right now the final three looks pretty strongly like Michelle vs. Young vs. Kymia, with Michelle winning.

That A.O. Scott one really manages to be both the absolute funniest and the most utterly depressing.

For some reason I love that some random kid who had Botswana actually joined the Coalition of the Willing and looked into it.

I think I would appreciate this shirt more without the pretentious press release. It's just a shirt with a play on words, no need to try and make it sound lofty and dignified and just inevitably come off like an insincere douchebag as a result.

This has nothing on when he did it with The Ranconteurs at the VMAs out of nowhere.