Technically three if you count Stacy Keibler appearing in the same episode as Austin earlier this season.
Technically three if you count Stacy Keibler appearing in the same episode as Austin earlier this season.
I'll probably get this and GH5 sometime within the next year for like $15 each. Rock Band 3, on the other hand, I'm aiming to get within a week of its release.
I wasn't in love with this week's 30 Rock either. Last week's was waaaaay stronger. I think Rabin was off the mark on the Rob Reiner stuff, though.
To be fair, it does make sense that Finn would pick that song, because Finn is dumb and wouldn't actually look up what the song's about. Unfortunately, since no character really commented on it at all that's probably not what the intent was.
No love for Saba Simba?
He's in everything. I'm pretty sure he's in a classroom scene in The Social Network as well.
I liked her up until she was supposed to be sincere or something. She's good at playing a bitch but she was just sort of dead-eyed in the last scene.
Oh, right, he was also in What's Up With That as one-half of the singing team with Bryan Cranston, wasn't he?
Pharoah was at the very start of the horrible Kristen Wiig Wacky Character sketch, I think, as a basketball player with a silly mustache. That's the only thing I saw him in.
Oh, also I loved Principal Figgins making the most depressing pep rally introduction of all time. Especially the way he delivered the introduction of New Directions as "hot off coming in last place at Regionals."
Basically the only thing I wanted from this episode was Brittany to say funny things, and she did so. Like, there were enough good one-liners that I could sit through the dated ones and the fact that I wanted to throttle Will for being insufferable.
There's one on Youtube that's been up for a couple days now that Showtime's surprisingly done nothing about.
"Should I give that movie a second chance? "
I loved the Justin Timberlake thing. The fact that it was an SNL sketch that had a funny joke and didn't feel the need to repeat it for four minutes straight really helped.
I decided to watch it just to see how bad it was. For the first twenty seconds I was just indifferent and stonefaced, and then I suddenly found myself becoming very, very angry at that guy. It was just offensively dumb.
Yeah, that happened at the Scott Pilgrim screening I saw it at too. From what I can tell it appears to have basically been the same reaction everywhere, which is kind of delightful.
Caroline Dhavernas of Wonderfalls is in this too, right? I hate that this is the first time I've seen/heard of anything she's been in since that show got canceled, she was so great in that show.
That show is hilarious
Because it's like watching a ridiculous history geek flame war, except with guys who could probably kill you in a heartbeat. The ridiculous posturing and attempts at snappy comebacks for what feels like a "my dad can beat up your dad" argument are great.
Yeah. Judging from Celebrity Apprentice, which I watched for far too long, she manages to mix actual insight with a ton of crazy rambling and anecdotes. In other words, perfect "the crazy one" TV judge.
… or "MAY" instead of "MY." That's the ticket.