
I really liked this episode. This radish challenge gave the episode a real focus on the cooking, which I adored. I wasn't too sure about the format of the judging, because how can you evaluate the merits of a progressive menu when you're eating actually two different menus, interspersed with each other?

100% right. The ending made the movie for me, so if the outcome was different, I probably wouldn't have liked it as much. THAT BEACH SCENE. It killed me.

UGH. The thing I loved the most about The Flash was Grant's Barry but as he slides more and more into unlikeability, it becomes very difficult for me to make it through a whole episode. It's probably the time for me to drop the series, which is a pity because I loved it a lot until last season's final few episodes.

I loved seeing Butchie again. Probably enough to warrant The Wire rewatch as soon as I'm done with Luke Cage.

To be honest, Jessica was not only a rebound chick, she was also a stalker too. Definitely bad news. Still, their sexual chemistry was electrifying, especially after they knew about the powers business.

I've been suffering from The Flash withdrawal, so after another rewatch last week (I was sick, it's totally understandable), this weekend I went off the deep end & found Grant Gustin's old Glee episodes. It was painful and had absolutely nothing to do with The Flash but at least I could admire Grant's evil smirk as

She was never my favorite. Still hoping against hope they'll manage to snag William Fichtner & that there will be story space for Sucre, T-Bag & Gretchen. The plot will probably be late season 4 level nonsense but I'll probably watch it.

I love the idea of iZombie credits but the actual thing is very disappointing to me. It's just too damn short. It'd be great if it fluidly transitioned into 'Previously on…' done in the same style, but obviously that's completely unrealistic due to the costs and work involved.

Like most people, went to see Deadpool. The cinema was crawling with high school freshmen & I'm guessing it was the perfect movie for them. Still, mindless fun with a side of questionable humor was just what the doctor ordered on a Friday night after a busy week.

Upvoted for Fitz & Mack, the only valid Agents of SHIELD ship tbh.

+1 for Ethan and Vanessa. They work so we'll together and the actors have a lovely chemistry. Those scenes of Vanessa's temptation last season were so great.

Yep, her desperate need for Luke's forgiveness as a way of dealing with her Kilgrave trauma made their relationship in the show really squicky for me. I hope they won't jump straight back to Jessica/Luke on the next season of the show because both Jessica & Luke need some distance. But, as you said, it doesn't seem

Shipping, the comics version: