And nothing of value was lost.
This shit will never end, because self-hatred for women in a billion dollar industry.
I was thinking along the same lines—he looks like my uncle at a family reunion. FREE FOOD! MUST EAT!
Come forth, my child, and showeth thine under breast. For hark on to thee a shirt, be swaddled. Yet weareth not bra nor bandeau, for in such entrapments thy devil does thrive.
This situation with my mother:
I texted my friend who used to run a bronze foundry and this is what she had to say:
"There's a big difference between bronzing and casting bronze. Bronzing is not recommended for perishables. Like your baby shoes, it is just dipped in a colored polymer made with bronze dust. The thing is still inside forever. I would…
As an uncircumcised dude, this is news to me. I mean, I get the occasional hummer, and no one has ever been like "woah, no way skin-head, I aint going near that" or reacted in any way but positively. But, would I just be drowning in them if I was cut? Would blow jobs be raining from the sky? Would I literally be…
This is a trailer for a fake Daria movie, but it is our responsibility to make the real thing happen. Not that Daria…
U guise, McCrory was a major shit show of a mayor (Charlotte, NC) before he became a colossal fecal fest of a governor, too. He's the one who set Wachovia up in their little feathered nest here in the Banking Capital Of The World (TM), brought the Panthers to the city ('cause that worked out well... Hi, Cam Newton,…
Joey's Want List:
It's like certain factions of my BabyCenter message board come to life!
Well, that's the winningest group of fellas I've seen this side of Lockup: Raw.
Yo, you knew I'd show up here. Working on a holiday, that's me!
I spent way too much time this morning at work reading this. I laughed till I cried. Then I pulled in co-workers into my web of neglect and we all sat in my office had our coffee and laughed our asses off. So many good points were brought up, as to why these folks are batshit crazy. Then someone on the paged linked…