And once solar panels become cheap/efficient enough that it’s stupid to NOT install ‘em, that’s really going to shake things up here.
And once solar panels become cheap/efficient enough that it’s stupid to NOT install ‘em, that’s really going to shake things up here.
I don’t know about you, but it seems like most gadgets and devices are increasingly going toward built in batteries that aren’t easily swappable. Smart phones, laptops, earbuds/earphones.... The only devices that I can think of that I can still swap batteries are my power tools, TV remotes, and smoke detector.
Just purchase Tesla tech and build a better user experience on top of it. Jag is too small to reinvent the wheel now.
The impressive part was keeping it from hitting the wall after it touched back down.
Great googly moogly!
While part of me definitely agrees that I would love to see one restored, besides the whole “it’s his money” thing, I wonder how “rotted out hulk” it was. If there’s not much but a ragged shell and you need to build new everything then it’s both cheaper to do what he did, and not a huge loss since there wasn’t much…
4th: Did anybody catch this a few weeks ago:
Agreed, but they already have a patriot:
I’ll get it out of the way, Jeepy McJeepface.
Patriot. It’s dumb but it’ll play well with the riff-raff.
Everyone knows what a Genesis is now thanks to Tiger Woods.
Definitely a face that only a congressman taking defense contractor kickbacks could love.
there is a twa super connie that is now a bar at JFk
Seriously, screw Icahn. He’s the one who laid the groundwork for Edward Lampert and later Martin Shkrelli by proving asset stripping worked.
The attitude in this article is astounding.
Not to mention those of us who live far away from loved ones and work a lot.
All-Seasons are fine in northern winters if you have some semblance of driving ability
And Fuzion Tires is a sub-brand owned by Bridgestone.
The “inside the airplane” part is fairly safe. You’re all wearing masks, and airline filtration is robust, to say the least. It’s the rest of the process, with all the touch surfaces in the airport, all the terminals, rental cars, hotels, etc — that’s where you’re exposed.
Pro-tip - Dynomat is a standard industrial material with their logo printed on it. You can get the same thing from a place like McMaster Carr for a small fraction of the price. Search under sound insulation - it’s something like “high temperature mastic sheet”. I bought a few cars worth for the price of a small roll…