Totally. 53rd state, after we hook up DC and PR first.
Totally. 53rd state, after we hook up DC and PR first.
Agreed. It’s down .02% right now. This is click-bait material.
I have friends from my old research group that live in China. They’re more concerned about my wellbeing and covid here than they are about their own safety. They’re fine compared to us.
The company I work at has offices in China, and those colleagues have been back to work for a few months now. Basically they say most things are back to normal, they’ve had no cases at the offices. So even if the government is lying about numbers, companies seem to be operating more or less normally, which leads me to…
I’m really curious if that’s true. Strict lockdown measures really can work. It worked for South Korea, Taiwan, etc.
It’s stuff like this that makes me absolutely love Jalopnik, no matter how much the new owners try to destroy it all.
Now THAT’S a Jalop story!
Sounds like an awesome time.
a little from column a and a little from column b
Damn. Sign me up for some “Nothing good” then.
That’s a pretty good Nissan ad. Probably the second greatest Nissan ad ever. After this one:
My Favorite use of the “Professional driver on a closed course. Please do not attempt.” is on a Sienna commercial when the family drives out of a fog bank. Is Toyota telling me I can’t drive out of fog.
Kudos for the Reefer Madness reference. I’m not into the demon weed, but am into 30s and 40s culture, where the precursor to Betty Boop (or maybe it was Betty Boop) shows some thigh - a lot of thigh - and snorts cocaine, and guys with with rolled up shirt sleeves - usually with a cigarette box stored there - rev their…
Don’t listen to this dude, Erik. You drink as much as you want. Just don’t die or, ya know, become dependent.
“I wonder when we’re gonna start referring to rape victims as ‘involuntary sperm recipients’?” - George Carlin
This is a tough one. The boy-racer changes, especially the turbo and exhaust, plus de-badging things, is a red flag. What else was done that he’s not admitting to and how much has it been flogged?
It’s still just a fucking Mustang, like, you’re gonna do what, go trawling for chicks? The only people you’re gonna impress are other dudes (Mr. Regular voice “THAT’S A GOOD CAR.”)
The US retail car dealer paradigm is irretrievably broken.