
Now I know why Byron Scott refuses to give Russell regular minutes. Kid obviously doesn’t know when to stop shooting.

Only makes sense. If there is any musician that matches Kirk Hinrich’s ability to wear ridiculous goggles, its Bono.

This whole time, we had his nickname wrong. Its full version is actually Jon “He Hates Cops Who Pull Pim Over And He Makes No Bones About It” Jones

He started the split-squad game and in a few weeks, he’ll be playing the split elbow, replace tendon game.

Abdullah got oblongoutta the NFL while his brain still has a working system that can control all of his involuntary functions.

I’m not saying he didn’t used to be a good coach. Clearly has a strong track record.

Karl was run out of Seattle following a 61 win season, Milwaukee following a playoff appearance and Denver following a Western Conference finals appearance.

Will Burneko ever write about food again?

He never shot better than 40% in the NBA, but at least he built something productive with all those bricks.

Not shown: Adam Johnson, wondering where the dog he lined up for his “video shoot” went.

*tips hat*

Conversely, the best Easter candy were once upon a time Mini-Runt eggs, before WONKA swapped out the lime flavoring for green apple and ruined green Runts for all eternity. Given everything I know about WONKA (uses slave labor), this almost assuredly was done to make an extra buck.

This boat has to be named, Boatino Mobley, right?