
a 3 Litre V6 GT was my first car. I miss it.

I bowed to pressure from mates to get V, glad I got it half price on sale. Playability is very limited. Same mission and same mission just ot get cash. It’s actually very boring unless you have a good team of mates to do random crap with. But that soon wears thin.
Hell Broken Field 4 still have more fun involved even

Yep, but your BA level will be the decider. Like I said before, it’s easy to tell natural from drinking. A blood test which can be done easily will be the decider.

Nope, no and no way. The GTO was a horrible ugly awful thing. Death to them all. By fire.

My god, that’s even uglier than the current GTR, how does Nissan come up with such horrendous looks?? This think will turn people to stone!

It’s quite easy to tell natural levels from alcohol

It’s simple, it should be zero. It’s scientific fact that alcohol impairs driving. Two drinks is enough to do that. If you want to drink, don’t drive. Easy.

TRD lost the plot when they started doing “Mood lighting” kits years ago.

But so so so ugly

6.0L V12 twin turbo.

Ooh myy... I’m not sure which um, excited me more, the lady, or the car....

What’s that?


Ugh. Hopes and dreams dashed

I do.....

Just look at it!!!

Now playing

I was agreeing with you but then I remembered the LFA dash...

Bang on, getting off the brakes and back on the power would have saved that easy.

“Yet the carrier was quickly moved to the Persian Gulf. Now it has to traverse Kuwait and Iraq just to reach Syria, although it does not have fly over Russian air defenses”
Are we talking about the Avengers Helicarrier here? ;)

In an article that starts off saying “It’s a common misconception that the only race cars Americans know how to make either don’t turn right or don’t turn at all” half of the cars in it are from series that only take place in the USA, and only turn left or don’t turn at all.