
Um, based on an Eric Broadly design (British) with New Zealand development help (McLaren) and New Zealand drivers taking the win (McLaren and Amon, with Hulme and UK driver Miles 2nd).
USA input? Money and the engine.

Hey.... That’s really Donald Trump isn’t it.

Now playing

He got off lightly. This guy got a more realistic punishment.

Jalopnik needs a down tick option for posts such as this.

Pretty much. The only people saying this car layout would be successful was Nissan. Every other race team and constructor in the world were all looking confused and saying “wtf”

It’s Jag-u-a. The only waaah is when the fuel and repair bills come in

I once had a crank pulley bolt snap off. Ezy out broke off in it.... Managed to get that out.
Had to remove the engine, strip and send the crank to a machine shop so they could machine the broken bolt out.
Turns out someone had used the wrong bolt and it had bottomed out in the hole, then they torqued it up to the

You know, that seems to be an awfully small chain for such a large ship....
Has anyone checked that it’s legit?

Yes that’s very true. But you still don’t go out expecting to crash.
Yes you prepare by wearing good gear in case you crash, but you don’t go around thinking “I’m going to crash any minute”

Maybe for the race track, but that’s insane advice for riding on the road.

I disagree. Why should crash? Seems weird to me to jump on a bike expecting to crash.

You spelt awesome, sexual and amazing wrong.

Spit roast!

It’s easy, it’s ugly. Therefore it sucks.

Gallery? WTF?

This picture makes me happy and sad. Happy because it’s just awesome.
But sad as I realise I will never be able to do this :(

Yeah..... Rear visibility on those things doesn’t look the best.

Ah except it’s not ISIS the Russians are bombing

What I want to know is why does every Hollywood car that runs out of gas clunks and thunks to a stop?

I quite like it! In a retro self torture kind of way. Definitely NP