
He can unplug his router and turn his phone off...no spoilers and it would be cheaper.

What's there to spoil? That there's an algorithmically identical blue planet and an algorithmically identical green planet?

This whole thing sounds like the origin story of a not particularly interesting supervillain.

So...what the heck color is curfew? Dark dark blue?

So...what the heck color is curfew? Dark dark blue?

I was in Arizona and it was the same thing. Stores and restaurants were like 60 degrees. I saw the thermostat at a movie theater and it said 63. Outside it was 105. It’s physically dangerous for many people to go through a 40 degree temperature change just by taking two steps out of a door.

This image made me sad, but also laugh

See, the problem is you got yourself a Pikachu. Now these are cute lil’ buggers, but you’re not gonna get a lot of juice out of them rosy cheeks. What you want is a fully grown Raichu. I’ll tell you right now, they ain’t as cute as them Pikachus, but they’ll get ya the voltage you need. Whatever you do though, don’t

First off - hard pass.

It is obviously a weird premise for a movie. I mean, any movie with talking inanimate objects that inhabit the otherwise “real” world like Toy Story or whatever doesn’t really stand up to even internal logic. But the idea of sentient food being afraid of dying is just odd. The meats and veggies were already living

When I played through Final Fantasy III for the first time, on DS, I lost to one of these final bosses and turned the game off forever. That’s the approach I’d recommend.

That final crawl to the final Boss. I think I died and then found out I had to redo so much. Took me a month to want to get back into the game after that.

Get off your xenophobic chair whelp. The game has worldwide appeal and has been quite popular around the world for decades. It is not my thing either but saying it is worthless IS stupid. After all, you must have a guilty pleasure, some hobby you enjoy that robs you of your time. Time is money, you know? And if you

Why? You save money living with your parents. Putting the time and effort moving out of your parents’ house seems like a big waste of time.

You can say that about every form of entertainment ever.

Crystal Pepsi was amazing. I know it really was just missing the dyes to give it color, but it always tasted better to me.

Live-action? What?

If you think ‘the Bible is just about God and not much else’, you’ve obviously never read it, despite calling yourself a christian. There are TONS of stories in the Bible that could make for decent games. City building with tubal-cain? Resource management on the ark in the style of FTL? The entire book of judges is

Yeah, I think the only way one can really make a call on whether not a game/book/movie is going to be up to their standards for their children is... to play/read/watch it themselves. My mother wouldn’t let me play D&D or read Harry Potter. Based entirely on the input of other Christian mothers she knew (who also had

According to Christopher Moore in “Lamb, a Gospel of Jesus told by his best friend Biff” they all were pervs

As a christian and a gamer I REALLLLY understand what these people were trying to do. And thew few games that were around weren’t the worst things ever. But the fact remains most people aren’t going to be interested in christian games. Again, God bless you if you want to make one. Just realize its probably not going