
Something I learned recently on Gawker itself was that you’re a goddamn bigot if you don’t have sex with someone who is HIV+ and wants to sleep with you. You have to sleep with that person, else you are trash. And now I’ve learned that you’re also a rotten human being if you don’t want a relationship with someone who

There is such a thing as emotional abuse. While I’d definitely say that physical or sexual are the worst of the worst, emotional abuse shouldn’t be taken lightly. That’s where the manipulation comes in. “If you leave, I’ll kill myself, and it’ll be YOUR fault!’ is emotional abuse. “If you cared about me, you wouldn’t

Sanitary products can be the litmus test. One ex refused to allow them on the bathroom counter when they were needed. Bye. Another one asked what brand I used when he went grocery shopping. Hello.

It’s best to be pretty fucking picky when you’re looking for a life-mate, just saying.

A week is almost always wrong. Sure some .0000001 percent of people who dated a week and got engaged stayed together for 40 years. But most didn’t.

Some people call it “having standards and self-worth”. Unless you are a reckless ass who is judged all the time for being a reckless ass, I can imagine being pretty sensitive about people with those qualities.

That’s a bit of fiction to believe that being able to break it off emotionally means it was never there to begin with. It sounds nice a poetic and all that, but it’s bullcrap. Being able to recognize when something just went south is important, and having some measure of understanding your emotions and how to respond

Baltasaronmeth said: “Ah, that’s pathetic. There is no immediate danger for this guy.”

There is immediate danger, she took armed guards to her EXs house. I am afraid for this guys life. Moving 2000 miles away and ending everything quietly might be the smartest course of action.

Tbh the one about running into the ex is a little harsh. The rest of them seem like completely reasonable dealbreakers though.

I was with you up until the “ex” thing... which is very situational. I have ex’s that I don’t talk to, and some that are my (and my s/o’s, and family’s) closest friends.

I was in an abusive relationship, too. Threats and ‘love bombs’ as the good doctor said. Did I let her get to me? Yeah, but did I deserve it because I couldn’t sort out what had happened to the girl I’d known? No.

Just because the abuse isn’t physical doesn’t mean it’s not domestic abuse. Just because the victim is male with a female abuser doesn’t make it any less serious. Your post single-handedly explains why there is little to no attention being given to male victims of domestic abuse. Because to people like you, it’s a

Nobody grows by being abused. It’s like finding a kid inside a hole full of snakes and saying “life isn’t easy, you should have seen the hole before falling into it.”

Hooray! Victim blaming! It works with men being abused, too!

Being in an emotionally abusive relationship isn’t growth.

One of the most liberating things I learned as a young chap in the world of dating was to discover I could break it off, both verbally and emotionally, with girls at the drop of a hat as soon as I saw something I wasn’t ok with.

Referring to women as “females” definitely helps your credibility here...

No just no. She is manipulative and that is very much abuse. HE just needs to get out no one deserves that shit. If the genders were reversed everyone would be up in arms about it.

Nobody deserves to be abused.