
You’re trying to put bible verses in the context of 21st century feminism? Good luck with that. I always wondered why God gave Moses the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai. Why didn’t he just tweet them?

I feel bad that I have a little bit of credit card debt and I’m paying off my car loan. I could never imagine being over $50 million in debt. I feel better about my little debt.

Fun fact: If you spend money like a crazy person you’ll go broke. Even if you’re a successful recording artist.

Not necessarily. In recent years, Mega Bloks has been pretty competitive with LEGO for license rights. Things like HALO and Call of Duty have been pretty popular.

Yes, the Empire was exactly as bad as the Nazis were, and also real.

Also, it just looks fucking awesome.

It’s not a culture thing, not in this case anyway, she just happens to be a girl who likes pink, and stormtroopers. Her parents, in a display of excellent parenting, decided to combine both her passions.

Her parents changed the color from white to pink when customizing this for her, presumably at her request. There’s nothing wrong with a child liking pink - the only problem is when pink is the only option for girls.

Not drinking random liquids is one of those things that people cannot be taught - they have to learn for themselves.


I hope it goes without saying that this product is safe only for children old enough to process the idea that while these bubbles might be safe to ingest, they can't generalize that to all bubbles.

You’d assume that any bubble, whether it came from a wand, a bathtub, or a dishwasher, would taste like soap.

is that what you want? Because that's how you get ants!

Oh god—I’m just imagining a thin layer of sticky sweet bubble spunk all over everything. Hard pass.

Have you considered that maybe it’s harder to find money to develop a small quirky platformer compared to a sport game ?

Link not working :(

People seem sorta negative about this. I don’t care about the witness, but I find the whole sandwich break part very amusing. Especially since I live in an area where a burger run would take almost the exact same time.

Like maybe you shouldn’t like say like so much. Like know what i mean?

It looks really stunning...but not photorealistic per se. As in as real as a photo sort of photorealistic.

What makes you think I have no talent or portfolio? Or that I have to justify myself to some twat with a rage boner? I know exactly how much work he had to go through to make what he did, but it doesnt mean I have to like it or that others arent allowed to critique it unless they have your imaginary credentials.