
Fellow hippy Albertan, and oh goodness yes. I never realized how juvenile people I love are till the oil/Notley/economic issues come up.

Well, if you must be stuck in a city, it may as well be Vancouver. At least there are many things to do while waiting.

My mother is 60. Loves her adult colouring book. It is more constructive than condemning people on the internet for liking something you don’t.

Maybe Mr. Farjay is ill, or has other things going on. 78% isn’t that bad, for what seems like a cute little game. Is there stuff I haven’t seen? Because this seems like an overreaction to a few negative comments and reviews.

I know this post is old, and I apologize, but what is that contraption? I want it.

Lilith is a Jewish thing..I’ve never heard of her in a Christian context. As for the wives of Cain, Abel, and Seth..they were their sisters, if you want to read Genesis literally.

I wouldn’t say you’re a “dumbass” for not knowing something. It means you don’t know, and the only way to know is to learn. I thought Tasmania was separate once too.

Tazmania isn’t a country, it’s an island state of Australia. And while it isn’t solved, there is a vaccine in field trials and I think immune, captive breeding populations have been established. Also, the critters may be adapting to the disease.

that is a Redwall-Australia character waiting to happen.

That bird is what would happen if a griffin mated with a sentient rainbow. Good grief. Do they actually look like that?

Dad does nice thing for child.

They were published for people like my mother, who reads them voraciously. And her offspring, who find them a handy gift. They were marketed to teens because “teen protagonist? must be for teens!”

It’s ingenious.

At least they are reading though. It’s hard for me to condemn that, even if YA isn’t really my thing.

It’s in the Musings bit.

Paulo. Pablo is the Spanish variant.

Oh, I see. Thank you. I only have one friend with a business phone(It’s an Apple something or other), and Orage said he “still” had the Blackberry, so I was unsure if RIM got knocked of it’s pedestal.

I thought Blackberry was the “good” business phone? I am not techy, and I am rocking a secondhand HTC 1S, so there’s my context. But I’ve always thought Blackberry was the phone you wanted if you had a business, because it was secure, sensibly organized, not a lot of bloatwear, and fairly intuitive. Mr. Sparrow loves

I don’t think it is immature or simplistic. Faithfulness is clearly important to you, and there is nothing wrong with that. There is also nothing wrong with wanting to understand someone else’s point of view, and it’s great that you are open to that experience, and are willing to consider learning how to forgive.

And your tiny debt is for something useful, not because you are a dumbass. Hold that to your heart on your bad days.