
Dreamworks, I like you. Why do you hurt me this way?

Boys do get warped body expectations, it just presents differently. That’s why you get all those gym monkeys popping steroids, and why eating disorders are common among jockeys.

Online only for now, until they organize the logistics with retailers.

It’s more than manufacturing processes, which are probably a lot more complex than you seem to think. Instead of designing and manufacturing for one, they have to design for three. It’s shareholders, it’s the focus groups, it’s getting the rest of the corporation to agree change is needed.It’s defining the words,

Well, the last bit I will disagree with. Unfortunately, we still live in a world where people are shunned, bullied, and abused for not liking or being the “right” gender. Or told that they are going to hell, or outright killed. While some of it might be navelgrazing, I think people fundamentally need to be part of a

Well..a lot of people are born with both, or neither genitals. A lot can go sideways at birth. I’m not taking offense, being a straight woman. Nor do I know enough about all the various labels to really create a good argument, which you and the subject deserves.I think “queer” is for people that don’t know quite where

It’s about as interesting as reading the tax code.

The part of me that loves kitcheny things wants this. My money loving, dish hating brain thinks it’s over engineered to an astonishing degree.

When I heard they were making a movie, I wanted it to be more “young newlyweds have eggs stolen by pigs” and less “outcasts save the day!”

Twitter is perhaps a well of cheerful vapidity for western users. I like Twitter, because everyone I follow posts animal pictures or the news. But for certain Middle Eastern, African, and Asian countries, Twitter helps arrange protests and is really beneficial for people exercising freedom of speech.

Sherelock is apparently huge in China, Japan, and South Korea. Mostly China, but they all take it pretty damn seriously from what I’ve heard.

It’s a mod pack. I am extremely tempted.

Well, I do think the poster is cute. However, that does not mean you’re wrong about the slackervism.. I will admit, I didn’t see the BMO thing till after.

There is Christian death metal, with such lyrics as “he was born from Mary’s bloody cunt.” It’s..a bit overwrought.

Yaks are ruthless pragmatists

Two spirited is a Native term some tribes use to refer to those who don’t identify with a binary gender. Yes, people do identify as “queer” but not any of those other things. Sexuality is more of a spectrum than catagorical.

I’m sure they had to seek permission from the school boards first. It’s really up to them, and the province’s Ministry of Education.

I tried the Hunger Games, but I loathe first person present tense. It turns me off completely. I also half watched the movieone day, and decided it wasn’t for me. I may try Battle Royale at some point to see if my tastes have changed, however.

I like that. I’ve never(knowingly) read a YA book in my life since they all sound really dull and implausible, so I can’t say whether it’s accurate..but I like it anyway.