
The Peterbilt isn’t street legal. What’s the point of spending that much on a tractor you can’t drive? I guess if you’re a billionaire with a foolish amount of money, or a trucking company with money to burn.

Bureaucracy is spelled correctly.

I am very down for a fourth Riddick movie. I’m sure, to a more refined movie palate than mine, that they are terrible, but I still love them.

ISIS apparently likes cocaine, to keep the fighters fighting. Mix that with some energy drinks, and they might all die of heart attacks.

RWBY isn’t anime. Nor am I young, or completely ignorant of “real” anime, and I like it just fine.

I think it’s from Warhammer 40k, judging by the symbol. Could be wrong though.

I think you would be a winged mermaid, like a flying fish type.

As a Christian..I want a cup with a battle between Cthulu and an angel on it. But a scary Biblical angel, the “wheel on fire with ten eyes” kind.

I never understood someone being hostile over a polite greeting. Someone was kind enough to wish you well-why fuss over semantics?

There are mountains in the area, and I guess Israel gets snow sometimes. So, yes. Doesn’t change the fact this is a stupid thing to fuss about, though.

I agree with most of this, but there were black people in medieval Denmark. And some of them probably acted in Shakespeare’s plays.

Did anyone else get a little teary and snuggle their cat? No?

It’s hard to keep up with such things when you’re a crazy old wizard who lives out beyond the dune sea...

I wish I could have enjoyed those movies. I loved the first one-I don’t care that it took an hour to get out of the house, I love that scene unequivically- and cannot bring myself to watch the other ones, because those characters are not in the book, dash it all!

Ha, I enjoy that guy.

Hong Kong.

Maybe Attila the Hun likes to feel pretty sometimes. Don’t judge him for that.

No, Baldur’s death was more a sign that the Gods cannot escape their fate, and had best start preparing. But I wouldn’t get too caught up in Norse Mythology vs Marvel, or it will just make you sad.

Maybe a North American thing, as I was taught that the columns are vertical, and rows are horizontal.

While I never watched Dino Riders, this sounds amazing.