
I want Star Trek Barbie. It speaks to my nostalgia.

I agree. I liked Brave. I don’t agree with this list in the least, but it isn’t my list.

I approve of you, random stranger.

I suspect it was the lead that their dishes and cutlery were made of, the ruthlessness one would require to survive in that environment, hallucinogenic compounds in fancy food, not being told no as children...many different thinks that cumulate into sociopathy.

i am a chronic rereader, but I probably read LOTR and the Redwall books the most often. In fact, I’m reading through the Redwall books now.

“rich, curious anuses” is the best phrase I’ve heard in years.

I am cautiously optimistic.

Well, I disagree on that one. I’ve definately been places where fast food was the only option, because it was very late, we were traveling across the country, and snacks were not going to cut it. So there are not always other options.

Salt: A World History. If you like books on how certain commodities altered the course of history, I recommend it.

I understood what you were after. I’m going to listen to these people. Thanks!

“amored unicorn to the Enchanted Lands.”

To be fair, most people suck at being interesting at 15.

Dear random stranger,

It’s sad when someone dies, but BASE jumping in American National Parks is illegal for a reason. I do feel bad for the people who had to clean that up though, and his family.

I admire that second lady’s confidence. It takes a great deal to wear wings, that dress? and that hair. You go, stranger lady.

Making friends is hard. Is there a Meetup group in your area? I know people who do that to get friends. I’m afraid of strangers, so I can’t tell you how well they work, but it’s something? And I think some dating sites have a “looking for friends” option.

Biases are funny things that way. People can rationalize anything if they try hard enough.

Heh..my boyfriend got pubic lice from the bus when he was in school. I Apparently it’s hard to pick up the cute girl at the pharmacy when you buy the treatment.


Billie liked fishing at night. She rarely got to do it these days, so she treasured the times when she could.