
This one, and the fuckery of the “I’m an engineer” or “My friend who is a power plant exec” copypasta I see on facebook right now is so full of mathematical bullshit it could only have been put together by some Q-Anon shithead that looks for all sorts of random clues like Biden’s shoes being untied and multiplies them

Repairing for me lol.

I wonder how much of their stuff was stuck off the port of LA just out of reach, so they couldn’t even get inventory built up even if they wanted to.

$23 million in revenue in 2020, dropping to $7.7 million in 2021

That’s super fishy considering how the rest of the automotive/powersports/enthusiast market was straight up booming unless California govt put a full on choke hold on their business last year.

Ah yes, now it’ll make for more overhead room so if a flight can’t get in their 1000 bodies per flight they cancel and reschedule you for a flight that should be full in a week.

Yup, get pulled over and maintain eye contact with the officer to assert dominance lol

Move over DVDA, there’s a new Sherriff in town.

I helped build an Escalade for a customer that made over 600 to the tire.

It’s unsettling having something that big, move that quickly.

If you’re paying $150k for this, even a few grand in fees isn’t going to make you blink. Financial barriers only for poor people. Just like crimes that only come with a fine, it’s


There’s another company that does the conversion, the whole car fits in a jig and they cut it and the ute portions in a specific spot, move the jigs together and start the pain-staking reassembly. This the classic cut and shut move tho.

It’s not the size of the boat that matters, it’s the motion of the ocean.”

And here I am thinking of this the moment I started reading through this comment thread lol.

Jeeze, what could possibly work more to their advantage than not using a vantage?

Oh yeah!

“Verstappen can’t race today as he is still stuck in the United States after American canceled his flight for the third time.”

That’s a steal considering how much trucks are going for right now.  Even if that 5.7 gives up the ghost before its next oil change, you can snag a new mill still (with fresh castings) from GM on the cheap.

Is their Department of Nameology researcher related to Rich Energy’s logo designer?

The motor from Webasto on the previous Magneto had a “redline” of 6000rpm, very different from the Tesla units that do almost 3 times that.

The way it’s been explained to me, there’s a sweet spot of efficiency for each motor which if previous motors I’ve seen with that powerband it would be around 4,000 rpm.  It’s

You’d figure the cost to upgrade to those chargers would be comp’d by the manufacturer as well.

I’d have to see what we’re at but we run CNC machines and other stuff since we have a warehouse and engine shop on site.

I do wonder how often we’re going to need to change/upgrade these chargers as the EV onslaught

I wish I was free to have man dates as well, but damn I never get enough spare time.