
You forgot “fuck ‘black folks’ who spread the term around the world to begin with.”

If black folks stopped using the word, it would only be used by racists.

The fact is you should be able to - in good nature, as this instagram post was - say just about anything or anyone. There’s no real reason to be offended here. At worst, what she did was done from pure ignorance and, at best, she was identifying with black culture in a positive way by imitating something she heard

Home of Bob Dylan! I’m disappointed the shitter sunk there.

Oh, fuck you. If people didn’t use the term they find so offensive in music and film it wouldn’t be used like it was here. It’s not as if Russian women are going out of their way to offend fucking blacks.

Why isn’t it our fault? The stigma associated with the word may not have started here, but it is probably as strong here as anywhere.

That is true, with the exception that winning doesn’t matter. Winning that idiotic contest is a gateway to better things; see Gretchen Carlson, etc.

Nothing says “I’m a liberal” like trying to censor speech like a fascist retard.

I dispute this. The most fuckable contestant doesn’t win. It’s usually some bimbo that’s fuckable, but less fuckable than others, but gives a nice speech about digging wells in Sierra Leone and plays the fucking clarinet or something.

You’ve got that wrong. Buy guns/ammo and then steal your rice and beans if you’re too stupid to have bought guns/ammo.

The labor market has always set compensation based on value of skills, or merit-based. That’s nothing new.

They got to be class clown for Monday, January 22, 2018!

We haven’t unwound 10% of the shit Bush/Cheney left us with and these idiots think they’re going to unwind the next 3 or 7 years?

Uh . . . what happened on 9/11 again?

OK, I’ll play.

Next year, this chipped elephant will be part of the “what did we find up our rectums” column when Trump shoves it up Shumer’s ass when he caves in three weeks.

The government was shut down for the most stupid of reasons.

No, you’re the one that’s either (a) a shitty lawyer; or (b) doesn’t know what (s)he’s talking about.

It’s never been used “incorrectly.” The phrase “chain migration” has always referred to what it refers to today.

What’s scary about it?