
Absolutely, the thing is though its really hard to tell who is and isn’t acting in bad faith, and in some respects it slightly doesn’t matter as if they were honest they would likely still have to deal with those same statements. It’s also especially hard in the UK where free speech is increasingly becoming eroded

And the UK has all of those, but how you implement rights needs to be done in a way that is sympathetic to the people in that country and implementing rights needs to be done in a way compatible with a countries own laws and constitution. This is actually a perfect example of that, the GRA in Scotland doesn’t really

Sure, but the UK isn’t really one of those. It has a lot of problems, and there is a lot of racism even among different white groups in the UK, but the main problem in the UK is inequality and the fact that money trumps all. 

Is there? Do we have a single place where that’s written down?

The legislation that was being discussed in Scotland started 8 years ago and was in consultation for 6, she may have been writing a book, but it was pertinent to the topic of the day. And it isn’t totally ridiculous, being Trans doesn’t miraculously make you incapable of being a predator, a significant proportion of

It’s also for the protection of the users, Kotaku is pretty spicy about her thanks to the shield of being a US publisher, but people from the UK echoing that point including the one that closed this article as if you did that in the UK press you would be up in front of a judge for libel.

I think there is probably a good amount of leeway, especially as the early models were all hand built prototypes and have been sitting around for a long time. And the advantage of a simple design is that you usually have a lot of room to play.

Given that there isn’t stainless in current Teslas I think that is known, but for a work truck its certainly got advantages and better for the manufacturer isn’t necessarily better for the end user or product. Carbon fibres a wonder, but you don’t see it in production cars because of many of the same reasons, you

In the USA no, 50 miles across the US border? Happens all the time.

If you are getting shot at you are going to go wherever you can to get away from it, and if you can go off road that greatly increases your chance of survival. Also if your vehicle weighs as much as these do there is a fair chance you will need the winch etc. 

People have been making these types of vehicles for a long long time, and while they often look like a normal car that’s had an unfortunate dalliance with steroid abuse there isn’t any reason to not have them look different. And if you’ve got the money you are on the venn diagram of people that would want fancy cars

He doesn’t appear to be, I was interested and read the whole thread people were talking about. He made a pretty reasonable point that he doesn’t feel that engaging in deplatforming and cancel culture in respect to academic works is reasonable. He was snippy about it, but your entitled to be snippy about it, especially

Why? Typically developers only go after that market after they’ve recovered there costs, Factorio like a lot of long running indie games is a continual development so they never get to that point.

Sure, but there is a fine line between consequences of words and an unhealthy shutting down of public discourse and debate that is bad for our society. And in work that requires the effort of hundreds or even thousands of people having work subject to defacto censor because of one individual isn’t a good thing. And

This is a bad take, 16Gb has been ok, but not the best for many many years I’ve had 32GB of ram in my systems since the DDR3 days. 16Gb has been the defacto minimum for home builders for some time and 32Gb has been pretty much universal as the reccommended ideal amount. I would have had 64Gb in my current system if

That’s a bit of a generalisation, men are pretty complicated and many don’t really consider other men at all. It really depends on how narcistic a person is on if they would actually enjoy both the showing off to other men or having someone more beholden to them and that often comes from their own confidence level.

I don’t think its really neccesarily about that, a lot of older men that prioritised their career are still going to be attracted to women their own age. However they may want something that a woman their own age isn’t as able to give them... a family. Younger women going for older men are also often after exactly the

I’m fairly sure the child is in his twenties, I’m fairly sure if I called my Dad a prick to his face while he is drunk there’s a 50:50 chance he would sock me. I know this because about that age that’s exactly what happened, and the ratio was about that, the nice thing about being that age is you can walk away or sock

You might have an issue with your deck then, it should sleep just fine, it doesn’t resume that well which might be the issue.

He’s the majority shareholder, pay for him is largely irrelevent so why would that make any difference at all. He “lost” billions in a stupid idea he had, that’s literally money that was in his pocket because he’s the majority and controlling shareholder.