
A-list celebrities only engage with the media when they have to because they are famous without the coverage, it’s not something the volunteer for. Politicians, activists and low level celebs are on all the time because its the media that makes you famous.

People like different things, he’s sometimes funny and sometimes not to me. People aren’t even constant I used to think he was hilarious.

I actually totally disagree, I think it’s aged fine as long as you look at it as the period piece it is, it doesn’t work today as a show today, but if you look at it from the lens you do any piece of historical media and film its fine. It also got a lot better as it went on going from essentially a slapstick filled

Objecting to your frankly racist statements showed my lack of knowledge. I’m a white person that actually has experienced the things you have, certainly not to the level you have, although I have lost out on jobs because of it, been verbally abused and actually been physically assaulted more than once and not by LEOs

I think you’ll find I did acknowledge it, I said I didn’t grow up with it because I didn’t grow up in a community where it was a thing. I have since lived and worked all over the world, it is a thing in some countries and as I pointed out its not exclusive to white people in the world. All I did was point out I have

There wasn’t any white privilege where I came from so that’s pure BS, I’ve seen it on other places, but where I’m from I’ve been spat on and abused just being in the neighbouring country. White privilege was something I only learned about as an adult and have thankfully chosen to work in progressive fields and

Racism is racism regardless of the country of origin, the solution doesn’t change with the culture just the implementation of the one way to fix it, there is a reason why of all the colonial nations the US is the furthest behind in that particular battle and its because the US engages in this tit for tat racism to

That makes no sense, and is in and of itself racist. The burden of racism is lessened by not having race be an integral aspect of our social constructs and society not applying more labels and making it confrontational. There are plenty of countries that have tackled systematic racism without this us and them nonsense

The video quality is bad, but his trigger discipline looks fine. I’m not going to judge someone else’s training levels and you shouldn’t either.

If the weapon isn’t in your hand you aren’t likely to be able to use it well, draw from conceal, aim and shoot is a whole order of magnitude harder than from the ready aim and shoot.

I don’t think he dismissed it because he can’t handle the truth, it’s because it’s patently ridiculous. NATO is a defensive alliance that has nothing to do with the political structure of it’s members. If you go down that hole the US is in a heap of trouble as all those pesky monarchies for the most parts have much

It would be easier to list the things you can’t put butter on. I know as someone that qualifies for the European label we are butter heavy, but I can’t really think of anything that doesn’t go with butter and half the staple foods in a western diet can be made with butter as the main source of fat.

People don’t automatically butter sandwiches? When did that stop being a thing? 

The list is easy:

You can get more efficient with different systems, it also depends on how you measure efficiency i.e. energy conversion vs carbon intensity and actually compare apples to apples as in part the efficiency is driven simply by the fact massive cargo ships are inherently just very efficient ways to move a lot of mass.

They used an original product, therefore Nike doesn’t really have recourse. You can completely reuse and resell a product with associated branding as long as it is substantively the same product as was originally sold. While you can debate how much of a percentage of the original product remains, as long as it is a

So nobody in the comments section appeared to read the article and the author buried the lead for a hit piece followed up by a comment storm that have nothing to do with it.

They should have called his bluff and had him propose a motion to block unrelated items in Bills, which is a big problem in every country, but very much so in the US.

I’m not apologising for Churchill, largely because I don’t believe it requires apology given A. I’m not Churchill and B. his views were of his time and thus irrelevant. However that disregards the point that there was an alternative for the UK against Germany, although less so by the time Churchill was in power,

There is a big difference between the management of a city sim type title and a AAA RPG title, hugely different in terms of scope and scale in almost every area. Skylines also had a long time to generate sales and if firmly in the Paradox get it out the door then screw every drop of money out of it with DLC model.