
There isn’t really a difference between passivity and peaceful in that context. The everyone is the same argument is also silly, there are many differentiating factors in humans and ignoring them leads to discrimination as well as exploiting them.

He didn’t put racism in his art or didn’t burn an empire to the ground? Historically the latter is very true given the UK only finished paying off US war loans in the late 90s and gave up all of its remaining territories even where there was no clear internal political driver to do so. Certainly some of that is

He isn’t really a racist though from what I can see from the article, he’s anti-feminist/opposed to gamergate, which isn’t really saying that he doesn’t perceive the value of minorities. And even that’s not straight cut as extreme feminists like Rowling as an example aren’t peaceful either by your definition. However

I was mostly commenting originally on your point about art vs beliefs and the ability to independently express and hold different and even conflicting beliefs.

For some you could do that, but as often that’s the consumers interpretation as much as that of the original author. And there are plenty artists where you absolutely know their views would not be consistent with today, but the work still stands up as at best neutral.

You are aware of the conflict in your statement? You disagree with him, but will punish all his colleagues for his views regardless of what the product is like and how he behaves professionally.

There are many examples of famous Artists or individuals that were artists and there views had absolutely no impact on their work either artistic or professional. While some people’s personal views are expressed strongly in their art for many they make no distinction at all. It’s not like that’s an unusual premise,

Because people are complex creatures capable of complex thought and opinions and don’t have to maintain a logical structure.

So you are okay with corporations making moral judgements about your character before hiring you? Because that is what you are arguing for, there is a reason for so long the rule has been leave your personal opinions at home has been a fairly universal rule.

Maybe, although it isn’t always true that a persons personal opinions are always directly reflected in their art or any other part of their life. Games also aren’t made in isolation, and a lot of the work in a game isn’t art, the personal opinions of someone writing code really don’t impact the final products social

They can be a good substitution, but not a perfect one, for a tomato based sauce you can end up with a very different product in ketchup vs. paste.

If your game relies heavily on a community then yes. Single player games it is much less of a thing unless it’s fairly niche i.e. The Sims is popular, but the genre itself won’t support more than one game of the same type.

Because they are slapping lipstick on a pig. They aren’t really redoing the game, just updating it so it runs better on modern systems and slapping a few new graphical tricks and better textures.

So I would say they are in the same class in the same way a Mercedes A class is the same as class as a VW Golf/Rabbit, different prices, but the same class. An i3 costs a lot more, but range and physical size and typical usage are the same. But I do see your point on the difference.

You make a compelling argument that it isn’t a bad car for a third of the money.

To be fair he usually is when it gets into the details, he’s just arrogant as anyone in his position is, and doesn’t pull punches. He also enjoys screwing with people/systems and the media eats it up. He’s essentially a brilliant total asshole, but there is no version of a human that can do what he did and does and

They did, but they also have way more experience with the material in automotive. And what is available for a solution in one vehicle is not an option for another.

That ship has sailed, the guy that fits hot water heaters and new phone lines is an “Engineer” across most of the planet. And half the countries that do restrict the term do it based on very shaky standards compared to what even the countries that don’t consider to an “engineer”, the Engineering accreditation system

There are ways to do that, but they are cost prohibitive as at a certain point you need to have a very divergant code base. It’s not like making a whole new game, but it is like when before printing presses people copied books by hand, you have the book, but it’s still a lot of work to make another.

Could always try Steam/GoG and geforce Now, it’s what I will be doing while I’m away from home over the next month or so.