
I think PC was the target audience to be fair, CDPR have always been a PC title centric studio.

Thing is they didn’t even if it was PC first they would have made money, there are lots of titles that you can look to on PC and they do just fine with no issues.

As long as local labor laws are fair and everyone gets paid what’s the problem, people have the right to say no. If you locate your studio somewhere with bad labor laws to exploit workers that is one thing, but if it is your average well regulated country I don’t see why workers need the press to advocate for them.

It really isn’t that hard, aviation does it that way for a reason and it is well studied in that space.

If your view isn’t impeded it really doesn’t make a difference, and increasing the cost isn’t going to make it more likely to be replaced.

US and Canada still do this with actual stickers? It’s been a while since I drove over there and it’s all rentals, but most of the world has been digitising stuff like this for years. Hell in the UK you won’t go 30 minutes on the road unless you stick to back roads and tiny islands without getting caught on a camera.

This is a really bizarre article, you seem to be arguing for and against self driving systems at the same time. Level 2 is what it is, it HAS to fall back on the driver by law and definition.

Well those expensive monitors really do bring something to the table, the Samsung G9 for example is pretty awesome.

The thing with anything that games, be it a PC or a console is as a general rule of thumb the device you are using to consume the content on should be at least the value of thing thing running it. So it you spend say 800 bucks on a graphics card for a PC, you want to spend at least that on the monitor.

Hell I still would, everything I’ve seen of him recently basically has him retired into a fairly charming quirky old guy life. And in hindsight he wasn’t actually that bad, he at least genuinely had a streak of if not integrity, but an understanding that he was there to serve.

In the field I think it has always been accepted that sleep when you can, eat when you can is a priority. However, if you are in a leadership or rear echelon position it is basically sleep never.

This is the new covid work world, if you want to put an hour in your diary and go have a nap it isn’t like anyone could tell.

To be fair to them it is actually rare to have a joystick with so few keys. The basic joystick at the entry level for years has been the t16000m and I suspect that was mostly what they used in testing as it suffers less fro, the deadline issues like the other thrustmaster sticks. Homestly my biggest issue is working

Your definition of hate speech isn’t correct, you could say she’s transphobic, but it isn’t a crime to be phobic of anyone it is only an issue where that results in action or discrimination which is not happening. It’s also totally immature to label all her opinions as hate speech and not address them.

For critical projects people are a resource that isn’t always interchangeable. It sounds like you’ve never had a job where you are in a limited commodity or in extreme pressure to deliver, or have a lot of experience project managing.

It really doesn’t, in order to avoid it you need to remove all innovation and variables from a project. The only way to avoid it is to not deliver, that isn’t always an option, you aren’t exactly going to say to your surgeon fixing a heart or a civil engineer repairing a dam that they have to knock off after 8 hours.

Well they have delayed the game several times, the only other option is adding more people, or reducing scope which they likely will have done to some degree.

Thing is project delivery means at some point you need to meet realities, that’s a fact of life. It wasn’t smart for them to say they wouldn’t have any crunch at all. That being said they did legitamately take all the right steps, and to be honest while it might not have impacted sales total, I think it would have

To be fair property taxes on non commercial property are an entirely perverse concept and I have no idea why they exist in the US when they are not particularly common. They generally seem a great way to screw people and enforce a class system, even the UK treats your home like your castle and can’t tax it.

Sure, but they will keep selling founders editions at that price and keep supply up in all liklihood. And unlike most years the FE is actually fairly compelling.