There will be pretty much normal supply in a month, it’s hardly the be all and end all as anyone that needs a 3080 doesn’t really NEED one, they just want one.
There will be pretty much normal supply in a month, it’s hardly the be all and end all as anyone that needs a 3080 doesn’t really NEED one, they just want one.
To be fair the UK doesn’t have those accidents either, and it has older railroads than the US and uses them for freight, particularly for car transporting.
That’s not universal and certainly only really exists in market failures(which the US market has a lot of for rail). Generally though globally it is a thin margin market.
They aren’t employees and aren’t being exploited. Streaming isn’t a thing you have to do, it’s not job, like most sport its a hobby a tiny minority make money from.
They are being treated fairly because it isn’t their platform. People keep forgetting that Twitch, YouTube etc. don’t owe content producers anything
Outer Worlds was a fantastic demo for the game that would do all those things. Unfortunately they just didn’t have the budget to make that game.
If you need to rewrite core dialogue from scratch and pull in voice actors when the games going gold you are royally boned. It doesn’t take a good writer to write a few lines for pedestrian number 6 or shopkeep number 2. That’s the only late state voice work that should be being done in the last 12 months of a AAA…
Let the lesson be learned if you aren’t going to eat fruits with vitamin C you also need to cut out all the other carbohydrates if you don’t want to get the scurvy.
The voice work should have been wrapped months if not years ago, it isn’t unusual to do 90% of your voice work before you even have much of a game at all. And all the final wrap ups and tweaks really need to be done before content can be locked for it to go into the hands of final QA/QC and get prepped for going gold.
Who I guarantee is cheaper!
A Director though is involved all the way to basically the wrap of the project. In a game there actually can be a fairly big gap between calling it on the content process and shipping the product.
To be honest it could be as simple as cost saving, after all if the content is complete why do you need to keep paying the content creators. If it is stuck in a hell of technical bugs you can see how if you were concious of the budget it would be pragmatic if you don’t have anything else for them to work on.
Heartily disagree, as someone that takes city kids out for adventures in nature half of them are terrified of anything wild, the other half think they are basically moving trees or pets.
Maybe, but trapping and growing has always been more energy efficient as opposed to hunting and they all depend on land access of course. And cycling through it while training is still expensive, I love going to the range, but it is literally burning money. There’s a good reason I still shoot .22 a fair bit, and not…
Why don’t we just let the market decide. If people weren’t okay with him being there I’m sure he would have found out pretty quick in a 100 person venue.
A coast guard cutter and some Marines in fast boats surely would have provided sufficient discouragement. Legally you can’t stop them perhaps, you can make it really difficult for them to get close and you can make their life difficult if they try i.e. inspection and boarding.
Neither of those statements are true.
Why do I need to evolve? I’m fundamentally against Slavery and Racism, that doesn’t mean I’m not also against ignorance of history. How can you learn lessons from history if you forget them.
Always feel better with facts and pointing out that comparing the US and UK in that regard isn’t entirely fair.
Is there some fact you disagree with?