
You want cops willing to take bullets you need to give them more money and better equipment(they certainly don’t have state of the art, that costs more PER UNIT than your average cops salary for 3 or 4 years). It’s a job at the end of the day. If you really want cops to stop having to shoot people you need to

No in a lot of parts of Europe especially the UK there is an even chance they would have shot him straight off the bat rather than risk anyone’s life. They don’t mess around.

Exclusives are BS, I don’t see how it harms any platform or technology to have it be exclusive. If anything it’s a good thing as people can play it in 2D then they can see if they think they would like it in VR.

Calling an Alfa slightly temperamental is a bit like calling Mussolini slightly fascist.

Idiot puts sugar and water in gas tank, what happens when you put sugar and water in your gas tank happens, nobody is surprised, a working vehicle is destroyed. Really not worth posting or in anyway justifying this ridiculous behavior.

Heads of state usually don’t always have carte blanche access to all information. If it’s heavily compartmentalised at best they might get a summary.

Is there something wrong with the drainer attached to your sink?

Is there something wrong with the drainer attached to your sink?

Have you seen the GLA? I haven’t.

Crytek says it’s in the contract, doesn’t mean it specifically says that or if there are escape clauses either in the contract or that CIG don’t have evidence of prior breach or a good case for it(especially with all the CryTek staff now working for CIG). Engine exclusivity is usually implicit rather than explicit

Landed on a planet last week, beats the crap out of NMS.

It doesn’t have VR, they also aren’t working on it.

For a claim to be able to get to a judge you have to make it sound like there is merit to it. Without seeing contracts it’s impossible to say if it’s got merit. BUT given that the people at Crytek that made that original agreement and authorised a lot of the resources now work for CIG and Amazon it’s going to be an

Without seeing the contract it’s hard to see how exclusive it is. It would be fairly unusual for a game developer to be locked into using an engine unless they were a subsidiary of the engine owner. The exclusivity to an engine is usually implicit rather than explicit as it’s almost impossible to switch.

Other than the email today, and all the videos of it, and the demo in 2015.

Thing is they never released either, and no test build of the second. The development of the single player was part of the original agreement. Simply splitting it off if it is using a different engine wouldn’t violate the agreement, that’s a bit of a hole in the claim that’s quite obvious. It’s very hard under a GLA

Doubt it, it’s only filed in the US and most of their cash and backer funds are held overseas in subsidiaries. And even the Crytek might get something, but CIG have the cash to pay and I doubt they will get a huge payout as thanks to Cryteks financial issues CIG will be in a very good position to claim a breach of

Last time I played I didn’t see anything like that.

The unkown is fine, but the UI and gameplays not that transparent, a good game makes the players interaction with the game seamless and transparent, Ark IMO very much doesn’t do that.

They really need to work on how to get people into this game. I’m hardly an inexperienced gamer, and I love survival games, but I just can’t ever get past 15 minutes in this game and have no clue what’s going on.

The thing is Crytek were haemorrhaging cash and staff and weren’t able to actually provide support. There is going to be a good counter case that Crytek were in breach themselves(a relatively easy argument to make once key Crytek staff became key CIG and Amazon staff as the claim admits). At a certain point you need