
The difference is that nobody is limiting the budget, it keeps growing, at a certain point you leave behind the budget limits and get more into resource limitations which indications are what they’ve been in for the last two years.

Two Thirds voted No.

Designed for SteamVR, so specifically for Vive, but it works on any headset SteamVR does.

Fourth estate counts all forms of public expression in the purest definition the press only got that moniker because it was supposed to be the voice of the free people, however in the modern age the press may be free of government, but journalistic ethics have taken a nose dive.

You shouldn’t capitulate and compromise the fourth estate, that’s been allowed to happen and unfortunately social media for good or ill is it’s only real bastion left. You also should compromise rights and freedoms to compensate for one politician, he may be the head of state, but he’s only one man who no longer has

You aren’t it’s a twitter poll not an act of state.

Unless it’s a honeymoon flight don’t bother sitting together. You get either peace and quiet, or the opportunity to have an interesting conversation with a new person. I know the art of conversation is a bit lost now, but you can have really interesting conversations with random strangers on public transport.

So a lack of general education should prevent debate on a public forum? That’s a bit of backward logic, if it’s not in the public discourse people won’t bother to educate themselves on a topic. And on twitter you have a self selecting group in that hopefully you should aspire to have followers at least as intelligent

Is there a problem with public debate and discourse? If a polite discourse is invited over a difficult problem then what is the issue? I kind of object to your placing yourself as some arbiter of what is a morally correct discussion.

Yet ironically the US mostly just got rid of the titles and kept everything else to despise about the gentrified class and the UK kept the titles and has steadily ditched pretty much everything else that didn’t essentially amount to forced public service.

The fact it’s in heavy use and is being followed by markets is a pretty clear indication of acceptance. At the end of the day your government backing only means as much as the governments own stability and critically for western nations it’s credit rating. You loose triple AAA rating your cash starts to turn into

I don’t watch streams at all I think its the bane of the gaming community. I actually can’t imagine what possesses people to actually stream a game live. It’s just for multiple reasons the height of stupidity, if you want to share don’t do it live, even TV and Radio when live have a delay and are rarely truly “live”.

Honestly 7C is a bit high, I’ve driven all my life at 56N and up and managed it on All Seasons. If it’s bad enough you need winter tyres, it bad enough it doesn’t really matter what tyres you have. And with all seasons you aren’t remotely tempted to drive like an idiot, a good driver will manage well on either.

Mostly the glass breaker doesn’t serve that much of a purpose for windscreens other than making it easier to get it out, but it works better from the outside. Inside you will be better off kicking it out if it’s solid and the pressure has equalised, they are designed for that after all and if you can’t pop it out you

Nonsense, men don’t think they are collectively better as a group, at least not young educated men that get to positions of power, for the most part those ones entering that area were educated in the era where there was awareness of racism and feminism.

UPS was just an example of another user that uses custom vans and tried to export the practice. Although globally they do push way more tonnage than USPS does.

For big manufacturers there probably isn’t enough margin in it to even put the effort in to bid. Honestly though they shouldn’t have to, you shouldn’t be putting out fleet tenders for this kind of operation, it just doesn’t make sense.

Read it, still don’t get the point, everything they are asking for you can literally buy more or less off the standard production line as required from pretty much any vehicle manufacturer. It’s pretty much the same requirements of any delivery vehicle so pretty much every manufacturer will do a standard panel van

Well as a personal note the view out my window there is nothing but trees and fields till you get to the mountain about 20 miles away, and after that it’s mountains, farms and military firing ranges till you hit the Ocean.

I don’t really get the point of this, a big bulk contract like that surely isn’t going to save much money in this day and age where that size of vehicle is pretty common everywhere.