It’s going to be pretty much ALL stop and go, battery tech right now is more than good enough to cover the range a postal vehicle would typically do.
It’s going to be pretty much ALL stop and go, battery tech right now is more than good enough to cover the range a postal vehicle would typically do.
Apparently the point is lost on you. It’s a wonder how year after year shit happens and nobody actually does anything useful anymore. When the only discussion that happens is groups of people shouting in empty rooms problems don’t go anywhere and division only increases.
The main thing I always install is fences. There’s just something about having an organised desktop that makes your life easier.
Mostly that would be a legal issue as a lawyer would have edited it. It basically says yes he was an asshole, but highlights he asked for consent, which is the only legal requirement for what he did to be legally ok even if it was morally questionable.
You think the free nations of the world depend on it, two world wars where the US was tardy and another few smaller ones where they didn’t turn up or were totally useless kind of disagree with that notion. Almost all the free nations of the world are in strong alliances(which the US often humps, moans and sabotages…
When the DoD budget isn’t more than every single other country on the planets defence budget combined then you can complain about health care breaking the budget.
To be a bit of a devils advocate here and provoke honest debate:
Assuming of course they were in the vehicle and paying attention, not really something you do when parked.
A lot of the issue when you increase the tempo and operational time on a ship is that as the deployment extends your crew performance and availability drops. This is a combination of simple fatigue and the increasing workload that naturally happens the longer the vessel operates.
More ships isn’t always the answer, the gunboat diplomacy system is quite outdated and arguably not always effective when dealing with other major powers especially. And over extending service life is typically a high cost low reward solution.
Flying light aircraft is an inherently more dangerous activity than flying a modern heavy aircraft or advanced light aircraft(be it civilian or military). The accident rates on most light aircraft haven’t really changed much over the years because the critical element is always the pilot and they are much more…
I wouldn’t say there is anything wrong with sport licenses, a lot of parts of the world had them long before and did just fine. And honestly it’s not really the standards that are different, just the cost associated, and if anything the lower barrier means more emphasis on actual flying skill and flying time as it…
If you don’t report nothing happens, simple as. If you report there is chance of justice, or at least the chance that some positive action will be taken even if it’s as simple as scaring someone straight or educating someone by telling them their actions weren’t ok. But if you don’t NOTHING happens, and in more…
So you are balancing the cops of one town in a country with shit police standards against the rest of the developed world. It’s you that needs to stop.
The normal kind, almost every police force in every western country has some form of independent oversight. So it can accomplish quite a bit in quite a lot of circumstances, there has to be quite a significant level of corruption across multiple individuals to actually suppress it.
What evidence do you base your opinion on, I’m basing mine on hard statistics and actually knowing cops and having actually reported a sex crime myself. What kind of planet do you live on is more appropriate?
I never said it was THE solution, it is part of the solution. It’s also protection, saying or reporting “I have reported this man to the police for rape” is not slanderous, and would be very difficult to make a case of, saying “this guy raped me” without that police report and without evidence does potentially become…
Yet it’s true, it’s a massive problem for police forces almost everywhere and in a lot of western countries they have even had media campaigns to try and increase reporting rates.
It’s not a lot. Saying it’s a lot is a total misrepresentation of the statistics. The vast majority of police officers will never commit a crime in their entire service.
Yes, you don’t report it for a guarantee, justice doesn’t work that way. But if you don’t report it you are part of the problem not part of the solution and you sacrifice legal protections.